Special Chapter: Christmas is Here

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

A few months had past and it was almost Christmas! I'm super excited about the gifts I bought for everyone! I squealed in excitement as I wrapped the last gift. I saw Element came out with some tiny presents, that were delicately wrapped.

"Are those for Tikki, Plagg, and the other kwamis?" I asked.

She nodded her head and placed the presents on my desk.

"I haven't figure out what Trixx, Duusu, and Wayzz want though...I mean...Trixx is really picky about what she wants...Duusu is really sensitive about everything...and Wayzz...well...he's hard to figure out..."

"I'm sure we'll figure it out together, Element..." I smiled softly at her.

"Thanks, (Y/n)..." She returned it.

I chuckled and finished wrapping the last gift.

Gifts for everyone

Marinette - Sketchbook, art supplies, and a Chibi Nathaniel Doll

Alya - Ladybug, Chat Noir, and Queen Wolf souvenirs, and a ladybug, black cat, and (F/c) wolf charm and a little Nino charm

Nathaniel - Sketchbook, art supplies, and a Chibi Marinette Doll

Nino - a pair of headphones, a little Alya charm

Adrien - (whatever you want to give him) and the 'special project'

End of Gifts

I squealed as I set all the gifts under my desk. I stood up from my chair and Element landed on my shoulder. She yawned and rubbed her eyes. I chuckled lightly and sat on my bed.

"We should get some rest...we do need to find gifts for Trixx, Duusu, and Wayzz after all..."

She nodded and left, drifting off to sleep on her bed. I smiled and drifted off to sleep as well.


I yawned and rubbed my eyes tiredly. I checked the time and saw it was 7 in the morning. I got up and changed into some more comfortable clothes for winter. I woke up Element and we ate breakfast, then I grabbed some euros and my bag. Element flew inside and I ran to the store. I panted and saw they had a lot of items the kwamis and everyone would love. I walked into the toys area and let Element stay on my shoulder.

I decided to use my mind reading power to talk to Trixx, Duusu, and Wayzz without Element knowing.


"Hey, Trixx?" I asked in my head.


"What do you want the most to have as a special gift?"

"Hm~ probably a flute like Volpinas'!"

"Alright! Thanks for answering, Trixx! See ya!"

"Bye, (Y/n)!"



"Y-Yes, (Y/n)?"

"What do you want most as a special gift?"

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