Chapter 21: Dreaming to Awoken

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Adrien's P.O.V


That's all I saw. No way out. No entrance either. I heard no noises, just...silence. It irritated me. I miss (Y/n)'s warmth, her smile, her laugh, everything really. I just want to hold her tight, not letting her go for even a second.

'P-Please...wake up Chat...I can't imagine my life without you...please...'


I ran toward the walls and tried to search for a way out.

'Let me through! I need to see him!'

I kept searching, while (Y/n)'s voice played through the darkness.

'I can find a way to heal him! Please! I can't let him die because of me!'

"D-Die...?" I spoke weakly.

I shook my head kept searching. I found a switch and pulled it. I heard something opened. I looked around the room of darkness and saw a door filled with a bright white light. I ran towards it, not wanting to stay any longer than I have.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I pushed through the doctors and nurses, running towards the door where Adrien was in. I opened the door and saw him open his eyes slowly.

"Adrien!" I hugged him and pulled away.

He smiled weakly and winced in pain as he tried to move. I stopped him and concentrated on healing him.

Adrien's P.O.V

I saw a light coming from (Y/N)'s hands.

"Drink this" She handed me the light.

I was confused, but drank it anyway. I felt all my strength return to my body. I didn't feel numb and weak anymore.

"T-Thanks...(Y/N)..." I said weakly at her.

She smiled and hugged me again. I sat up and stretched. The door slammed open, making me jump. The doctors and nurses came in and yelled at (Y/N). They looked at me and went wide eyed. They told (Y/N) to get out of the room so they can check on my injuries. She nodded and hugged me one last time and left the room.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I closed the door behind me and sighed. I saw all my friends pulled me into a tight hug, hugging my soul out my body.

"....C-Can't....breathe....!" I managed to speak.

They all laughed nervously and loosed their grib. I took a deep breathe and smiled. I saw all of them had worry in their eyes.

"You're all worried about him...aren't you?"

They all nodded.

"Is he alright? How bad is his condition? Will he be out soon? Can we see him?"

"Geez! One at a time!" I shouted.

They all went silent and I sighed.

"He's fine, I just performed a healing spell for him to drink. Right now the doctors are checking his injuries"

They all nodded and small tears fell from their faces. We all heard the door click and a doctor came out.

"You can see him now..." He said calmly.

We all ran inside and saw Adrien was fine. I sighed in relief that the spell worked and I smiled at him, receiving another smile in return.


Adrien's P.O.V

I jumped on the rooftops and took a deep breath.

"It's great to be back!" I shouted.

I saw Queen Wolf in the distance and ran towards her.

"Hello, mon loup~" I bowed.

She didn't reply.

"Is something wrong, M'Lady?" I asked worriedly.

She sobbed and placed her head onto her palms and cried.

"Please....tell me what's wrong...." I begged her worriedly as I sat next to her.

"I-It's....all my...f-fault...." She spoke between sobs.

I pulled her into a tight hug and petted her hair and ears.

"It's not your fault....I was only trying to free you from that bottle from that Felix guy....please understand....I would risk my life for yours....just so you can be happy...."


I jumped as she hugged me back and cried on my shoulder. I smiled weakly and kissed her tears. She looked at me and smiled weakly, wiping away her tears.

"" She spoke weakly as she let out a quiet sob.

"No problem....princess...."

She gave me another weak smile and scratched my chin. I heard purring and became confused. I saw her eyes sparkle and her smile grew wider.

"You can purr!?" She shouted happily.

"Huh?! N-N-No!!"

"My little minou can purr! I want to hear more!" She came closer to me.

I blushed furiously and tried to get away from her. She giggled and started chasing me. She tackled me onto the ground and scratched my ears. I purred and blush furiously in embarrassment. She giggled and helped me up. I took it and smiled at her.

'At least she's happy and smiling again...'


Very short chapter cause I didn't come up with much...but hope you enjoyed anyway!! Au Revoir~♡!!

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