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You woke up to the blinding lights, and like every morning, you searched around you for a patch of darkness, a way to escape.

The entire room was covered in white lights, they were there to keep your powers at bay - you could only escape when there were shadows around you for you to transfer your consciousness into, and as long as there were lights hitting you from every direction, you couldn't go anywhere.

There were no clocks in your small room, so you were glad that you had been wearing a watch when you were kidnapped , because without it, you wouldn't have known how long you'd been kept in these inhumane conditions. It had been almost a month since your capture, and you were eager to leave this place behind.

Suddenly, the glass cell you were in started moving, and you knew that you were being brought into the front area where you could be visited by your captors.

The heavy metal door outside your cage opened, and two people walked in, the male one carrying a plate of food.

"Cisco, nice to see you again." You said sarcastically. Although the man brought you food every day, you knew not to trust him, because he was keeping you here, in a makeshift prison in the back of STAR Labs. "Caitlin, always a pleasure." You nodded to her.

As the pair walked over to the panel near your cage, you backed away from the door slightly.

"You know, Cisco, if you just move your hand slightly to the left, you could press the button that opens this door. If you let me out, we could have some fun." You suggested, watching him as he froze, before continuing what he was doing. "Well, it was worth a try." You shrugged.

As he pressed a button on the panel, you heard the hissing of an airborne gas being released into your cell.

This is what happened every day, they knocked you out and then placed some food in your cell, ready for you to eat when you woke up.

"You might want to sit down, Y/N. I know you want to be rebellious and all, but sitting down would probably hurt less." Cisco said, an amount of pleading in his eyes. He may be a bad guy, but he didn't want you in unnecessary pain.

Stubbornly, you stood still and stayed silent, looking him in the eyes as your body went limp and collapsed in a pile on the floor.

"I wish you'd just listen." He whispered, sighing.

Opening the door to your cage to place a plate of food on the floor, Cisco looked over at you. And, in one swift movement, you swung your leg out, knocking him over, and then got to your feet, and dragged him up next to you. You wrapped your arm around his throat tightly, so that he couldn't move and wasn't able to take in enough oxygen. Within a few minutes he would pass out, and a bit longer than that and he would die.

A shocked Caitlin still stood at the control panel, and you shifted your gaze to her as Cisco tried to take in more air.

"You two really are dumb. You must always wait a few minutes before you open the door, because then you'll know for sure that the person is unconscious. Of course, I pretended to be unconscious just a few seconds after I heard the gas entering my cell, which actually allowed me to breathe better, because the gas was being put in through the top of my cage, and my face was at the bottom, which gave me cleaner air, but you fell for it and opened the door straight away." You stated, rolling your eyes.

"Just let go of Cisco, OK? If he stays like that for too long, you'll kill him, and you'll be classified as a murderer."

"Well, you don't have to worry about that if you just turn the lights off. One little button, and I'll let go of your precious Cisco."

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