Not My Daughter

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"I'm really excited for you to meet him!" You exclaimed, picking the phone up and dialing the takeout place nearby.

Until the dial tone stopped and someone answered the phone, you rambled on about your boyfriend, describing him in detail to your father. You ordered a selection of everyone's favourite foods, and hung up when you were finished.

"But, seriously dad, I think you're going to like this guy. He's all hard like you. He likes the same kind of things that you do, and, I just really think you guys are going to hit it off." You smiled. Your dad never seemed to like any of your previous boyfriends, but you really wanted these two to get along, as you really liked this guy, and he was hot.

However, he was a little older than you, and although you didn't mind, you thought your dad might.

You were 27 years old, and your boyfriend was 40... And your dad was 47. Their ages were pretty close, but the age gap between you two was 13 years.

Dialing a new number, you hummed a tune quietly until you heard a voice at the other end.

"Hey babe!" You shouted into the phone, excited to be talking to him again. "So, I just ordered takeout, can you collect it on the way here?"

"Sure. I'm on my way at the moment, I'll grab it."

"Thanks! I'll see you soon."

"Ok, bye." He responded, hanging up.

A few minutes later, there was a knock at your door and you opened it, grinning, seeing your boyfriend. Your gaze shifted to the bag of food that he was carrying as you snatched it out of his hands and pulled the boxes of food out, laying them on the table.

"Where's your dad?" He asked, looking around.

"Oh, he'll be out in a minute. Just give it a couple of seconds. Just sit on the sofa until he gets here."

Just as he sat down, you heard your dad's footsteps coming into the living room, and you excitedly told him that your boyfriend had arrived.

"Great. Show me the idiot so I can beat him up." He growled.

"He's joking." You stated whilst nervously laughing. and walking around the sofa so you could sit beside him. "Please be joking." You whispered.

As you looked over at your boyfriend, you saw his eyes had widened at the sound of your dad's voice.

"Oh no." He whispered. "I need to go." He said, looking over at you apologetically.

"Where are you going?" Your dad asked, getting mad, and you saw him visibly wince at the sound of your fathers voice.

"Leonard..." You started, but stopped seeing him wince again as you said his name.

"Leonard?" Your dad repeated angrily. "Turn around." He ordered.

And as Leonard turned himself around so that he faced your dad, he smiled slightly.

"Well, hello Mick."


After Leonard had come over to meet your father, and your dad found out that the guy you had been dating was actually his partner, he had been promptly thrown out, and told not to see you again.

"You will not be seeing that man, understood, Y/N?" Your dad shouted after he had slammed the door in Leonard's face.

"That's not fair!" You screamed back at him, running into your old room and slamming the door, annoyed that he would even think of making you break up with Leonard.

Leonard Snart/Captain Cold OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now