I Love My Bestfriend, He Loves Me Too but He Wants To Kill Me. Great. [3]

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:D Since it's tomorrowww...


Idk, I have over 50 people[I think] looking at this story >.<

I just wish they would comment and vote for me.

I'll continue for them though :3

Plus I like this story! :D <3 so here we are.


As I waited for noon to come around all I could do is think. I sighed irritably. I wanted to talk to someone! But it was ten in the morning and most normal teens were sleeping quite soundly. Grr, curse genetics. My phone played its ringtone. I sighed at the thought of someone texting me. It made me happy.

'Hey chick.' The text said. It was from Natalia. I love Nat, she was so cool and pretty. I wish I looked like her.

'Natty babby!! [: You wanna hang today?' I texted her back.

I waited a few moments and then she texted back.

'Helll yeaahh! Girl, lemme get my over night bag and we can party!' She said, already planning the sleepover even though I hadn't mentioned it.

'Haha, you're a mess. I'll tell Kari! OHH DO I HAVE NEWS FOR YOU' I texted her. I loved these two girl, Nat and Kari. I trusted them with my life. I really loved them. They would never spread anything I told them.

'Oh really?! Sounds juicy. I'll be over about noon okay! I can't wait to see your pretty face Snowy' Nat texted back.

'Ha, my pretty face, you must be seeing mirrors! But I'll see you baby! (; ' I text to her happily. Then I got a call. What was with this?

"Hello?" I asked forgetting to check caller I.D.

"Hey Snow!" Kiru said. "I couldn't sleep so I decided to wake you up!" he said and even though we were talking on the phone I could see the foolish grin on his face.

"Loser, I never went back to sleep. I don't know what's wrong with me." I said, I missed him so much. Before he started hating me, Kiru and I had been inseparable as kids.

"Haha, you're just weird." He told me. I could tell he had just woken up. His voice was soft and ragged sounding though it was still so sexy. I loved Kiru's voice. "YEVVI GET THE HELL OUT!" I heard him suddenly yell at Yevvi.

"Hahaa! HI YEVVI!" I screamed.

"Hey Michieee-Yukiii!!" I heard Yevvi chant back.

"Ugh, that kid need a life." Kiru said but I knew he was smiling. "So what have you been doing while not sleeping?"

Thinking about you, you monkey ball. "Nothing much, just listening to music." I lied.

"Oh..." He sounded disappointed. "Well, I was sleeping! I'm gonna take a shower. What are you doing today?" He asked.

"Hanging out with Kari and Nat. Why?" I asked him.

"Oh can I bring some friends to hang with you guys?" He asked and I heard him snicker. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, we're going to the mall at about three. Why don't you and your friends meet us there." I said to him.

" Good, see you then babe." He said.

"Bye Boy." I said smiling and hung up my phone. I decided to grab a hot shower before Nat and Kari got here. I let the cleansing hot water soak into my filthy body. It renewed me. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body. As I walked to my room I thought I saw something. Something gray-white like Kiru's eyes. I stood my ground and looked around. "Hello?" I asked the air. Something swished behind me and I spun around. Nothing. Maybe I was going crazy. I convinced myself of my insanity as I walked back to my room to find an outfit.

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