I Love My Bestfriend, He Loves Me Too but He Want's To Kill Me. Great. [9]

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Herro there WattyPadders. [= I'm going to name this chapter because I think it's proper, I mean nothing else but the title is really going to happen okay :D I'm just warning you, this IS a filler chapter until I find something in the nooks and Crannies of my brain to add onto this story yah know. So yeah, here we go [: Thanks for the new comments and votes. Shout outs below :D



Today was the long day of flying "Home". I didn't believe that it was my Home because it wasn't. My Home was Earth. Why did it suddenly have to change...I didn't understand that. My Home was in Kiru's arms, where I felt safe from everything else. I smiled as I looked back onto the past year before everything had been jumbled up.

*(Let's go back a year.)*

"Kirruuu! Stopppp thatt!" I said running away from him as he growled at me. I think he was pretending to be a dinosaur because I had stolen his cookie. It was a good cookie I remember.

"NOOOO GIMME BACK MY COOKIE MICHIE!!" He said tackling me to the ground but some how flipping us around so I landed on his stomach.

"Oouf." I said. quietly as I laid my head on his chest.

"Tired?" He asked me.

"Yes." I said coyly. He smirked flipping us over so that he kneeled over me. "I FIND THIS UN FAIR." I called to him.

"I want my cookie." He said stubbornly. I tried to push him off of me but he grabbed my arms and pinned me down.

"I ate your freaking cookie, loser." I said to him sticking my tongue out.

"Well then...you know what that means?" He asked me and of course I didn't so I laid there dumbfounded looking up into his eyes awaiting whatever he had in store. "No? Well, it means I get to eat your brain." He said calmly. I shot from under him somehow detangling my hands from his.

"NEVER SHALL YOU TAKE MY BRAIN!" I screamed giggling.

"Oh really." Didn't I mention earlier that Kiru was .5 seconds faster than me. He had his arms around my waist before I got far. "I think you owe me a brain." He said as I squirmed. He put his mouth close to my neck and a distinct shiver ran down my spine as his minty cool breath hit my neck. I giggled, it tickled. "Haha you're getting your brain eaten you're not supposed to enjoy it!" He said as he lightly bit into my shoulder.

"YOU'RE A FREAK MAN!" I said squirming again. He laughed letting me go.

"Nope just a zombie." I rolled my eyes.

*(.Back to the future.)*

I wasn't helping myself by remembering things like that seein as though he was never going to be mine ever again....well if my plan worked...that was a different story. This is what I was expecting. Josiah's gonna be some old coot that is a sucker for the rules right? So I'm just gonna have to get inside his head. He'll be easier to get to because he's old, if he were young that would cause some problems to be quite honest. I didn't have that much power yet. Yet.

"What are you thinking about?" Retanzi asked me.

"Anything but going to this place." I mumbled he sighed and walked away.

"You could be a better sport about it." He said sharply.

"And you could have let me stay home." I retorted.

"Then you would have died." He said simply walking away so that I could say anything smart.

*(Rewind two years)*

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