I Love My Bestfriend, He Loves Me Too but He Wants To Kill Me. Great. [8]

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Hurro two uploads today :D I know I made you wait forever for this upload but I had NO IDEA how to continue from chapter 6 but once I wrote 7 I was bombarded with Ideas. Don't hate me if I forget to upload every once in a while, just spam my wall and at some point I'll be like "I'm SOO STUPID" lol [: So yeah, and with that don't forget t Comment/Vote for my love[: lol <3 Here we go


"Why are you dressed so depressedly?" Retanzi asked as I walked downstairs. I shot him a look but it was weak and not as strong as it should have been to get the point across his thick head. He looked down into his lap.

"Snow, are you ready to train?" Teddy asked. I rolled my eyes.

"I don't need to train, I could take him out at any point that I want." I said to Teddy and he smiled.

"Yeah true but you haven't been against Taro before. He's tough, if not the toughest." Teddy told me.

"What about that girl in me?" I asked him innocently.

"What...?" He asked warily looking at Retanzi.

"The girl in me. Kora?" I asked them and then they exchanged a look.

"What do you mean Kora?" Retanzi asked his tone serious. I knew they didn't know about Kora. I was trying to get to Josiah. I needed to get to Josiah.

"You know, the person inside of me. She's really mean and a pest. She's always trying to take over my body but she's not good at it." I said calmly. They looked at each other and then looked at me. I knew they were going to now take me to Josiah. This was great. My plan was in action and I didn't want anyone to expect a thing. I had a lot of questions for this "fortune teller".

"Okay..." They said. I looked around the room grabbing some Coke then walking into the living room to sit and think. I wanted to talk to Kiru again. I knew I couldn't. I knew the danger I was putting myself into just by even thinking about him.

"You ready Snow?" Teddy asked coming in. I was silent for a few minutes as I sipped my Coke and tried to straighten out the complete chaos that was my brain.

"Yeah." I said and got up blinking. "Let's get started."

~*I don't know how much time passed*~

but it was like morning into night I was fighting things I'd never known existed. I was protecting myself. I was finding things out about myself that everyone except I knew. I was powerful. I didn't realize how much of an advantage that put me at but I was powerful. I did anything that I wanted. I hated hurting those poor animals. I hated hurting anything that lived but it had to be done if I were to save Kiru and myself. It had to be done. After....I don't even know how long, I think they thought I was ready. I hadn't talked to Kiru in a long time. That was my only measure of time, how long ago I had talked to Kiru. I stopped after about a week. Too much was happening. I cried just about every night until I decided crying wasn't doing anything for me. I just had to....I just had to stay strong and pretend like I hated him. Like I hated the thought of him existing. They were trying to brainwash me into believe that. They expected that after seventeen years of loving this kid that an amout of time in a month would make me stop. Haha they were on CRACK...but, I was a good actress. Really, I should get an award for it. Every night before sleeping one to two hours I would clap for myself and bow. Haha, I know, but I was in contact with no humans at all. I could've SCREAMED. No lie, I felt like I was being punished. They threw me out into the alternative demension with no clothes, no food, and no shelter f o r e v e r.

~*But now I'm back and that means more to me*~

than anything in this world right now. I had my cell phone and computer. I had research to do. I had work to do to make my pretty little plan work. Haha man would it work and no one would see it coming at all. It was gold. Haha I'm getting to cocky. Shaking my head I walked to my bed and stripped it of sheets to get them cleaned. I would have to change so much and....it would be hard for me. It would, but I could do it. I would do it.

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