I Love My Bestfriend, He Loves Me Too but He Wants To Kill Me. Great. [5]

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Thanks to Leigh19. You're an inspiration and your stories are amazing [: Thanks.

This chapter should clear a lot up.

Let's do this thang [:


(Let us Review)

"Kiru...what are you saying?" Snow asked awestruck. COME ON SNOW YOU ALREADY KNOW THAT I LOVE YOU. Why does this other ego saying it make it any different? Did she feel the difference. I sure hoped so. This was not good.

"I'm saying I love you, more than life itself." He said getting closer. Saying "I" Would be so out of place here because it's not me...their faces grew closer. From inches to centimeters to just a breath away. Then it happened and so it begins. The fight.

They kissed.

*Enter Michie Yuki*

It wasn't how I had anticipated it. He was different, his lips were cold and hard on mine. This wasn't Kiru. It wasn't. Something was off. I knew it but, I responded to the kiss. Our lips moving in sync. Then, burning pain in my heart. I don't know what that was but it hurt like hell covered in torture being eaten by hell. I gasped then screamed. That knocked Kiru out of whatever trance he was in. He backed up so fast I didn't even see him. He looked scared, those beautiful gray eyes back. "Wh-what's happening?" I cried out. Kiru stayed against the trees. At least a yard away from me. "K-Kiru..." I said my eyes fluttering, my vision blurring. Then I felt warm liquid on my hands. I was bleeding? From where? I was scared. Horrified. I didn't know what to do. Kiru looked how I felt.

"Michie?" He asked slowly walking closer. I saw him fighting himself. I wasn't sure what he was fighting about...control? Pain slowly rushed into my head. To describe it, have you ever had your head smashed in my a wrecking ball? Well, yeah, when that happens, you know how I felt at that moment. Then something took over my body, it wasn't me. Kiru was in reaching distance. I could feel my soul darken. Weird I know, but I felt it.

"Did you need me?" My voice was rougher. It was darker. I was now afraid of myself. Kiru backed up. Blood ran from my mouth, I couldn't control anything but OF COURSE I could taste the blood. Ew...

"Michie...no....I'm sorry." Kiru said, he looked like he was restraining tears.

"Sorry? I'm actually thanking you Kiru for letting me out, or rather Taro. Tell him I said thank you." What in the world. I wasn't saying any of this. I HAD NO IDEA WHAT WAS GOING ON YET I KNEW EVERYTHING. Kiru looked mad now.

"Kora go back to hell." He said.

"Haha, no, I think you will. We know what this fight is about. It's been going on for hundreds of years now." Kora? said. I didn't understand that. I've only been alive for seventeen years, what was with the hundred years?

"Asshole. let her control you." Kiru said angrily. Did he just growl? Were those fangs? Where those two foot long knife sharp nails coming out of my hands?! WHAT IN THE-?

"HA! Control me?! I like this, I've got my body back." Kiru growled again.

"You don't deserve her body Kora." Kiru said kneeling on the ground, his eyes turning pure white. I started to cry so did my body, it was responding to me now.

"Ugh, what a baby." Kora said through my tears. "WOULD YOU STOP YOUR BLUBBERING GIRL?!" Kora screamed but I still cried, I liked how it ticked her off. I saw Kiru give a teethy familiar smile. 'You don't boss me around girl. I don't even know you and you're in my body, trying to boss me around. PLEASE, get a life.' I said to her. "Ugh this one has a mouth. Shut up."

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