To Go Order

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So, this is an au(?) that I made up with my friends. It's the McClain family restaurant, yaaay.


Ding, ding! Went the little bell on top of the door. "Hello!! Welcome to McClain Eats! How many?" a bright cheery voice said. Keith looked up to see a tall Cuban boy about his age working the counter. "Heloooo~"

"OH! Sorry, table for two please."

"Right this way" The boy led Keith through many booths until reaching a spot secluded in the corner. "Can I get a name for this order?"

"Keith" He picked up a menu and started looking through the food.

"Cool, the name's Lance" Keith looked up with a did I ask face and continued scanning through the menu.

"Can I get a water"

"But of course. What do you think your girlfriend would like?" Keith blushed. Hard.


"Oh, sorry, boyfriend?" Lance looked a tad dejected, but Keith didn't notice (An/ bc he is an oblivious child)

"N-NO!" Lance seemed to glow a bit when he heard that. "S-she would probably want a-"

"YO LOSER" a small voice yelled from behind Lance "Can I take my seat?" Lance turned around to see a small figure with glasses and a green hoodie "Sup Lance"

"Hey Pidge. Want the usual?"

"Yessir I do" Pidge picked up the menu and looked at the items. "Can we have a minute to look?"

"Sure, be back in a few minutes." With that, the tall boy walked off to take orders from other tables. Keith looked over at Pidge, slack jawed. Pidge looked over at him. "What" she said.

"You know him?!"


"But he's so-"

"Cute?" Pidge grinned menacingly at Keith "At least, that's what you've always been texting me about from work" Keith blushed a little more and covered his face with the menu. Pidge laughed. "Jeez, you're helpless"

"I want to talk to him, but I don't know how to start" Pidge sighed and put the menu down.

"Ok, here's the deal, Lance is a big cheesy jerkface who likes boys and girls. You're a small dorky kid who likes boys"

"You're point?"

"Here, use this on him" Pidge gestured for Keith to lean toward her. She whispered something in his ear and he pulled back.

"Are you sure??" Pidge had a wide grin on her face.

"Of course i'm sure"

~~~~A few moments later~~~~

"So. have you decided what to order?" Keith took a deep breath and looked Lance straight in the eyes.

"Can I get a tall McClain to go?"


"So am I getting your number or what?"

"Yes of course you are" Lance wrote down his number and handed it to Keith. "Holy shit" Lance thought "I'll be right back" Keith looked at the paper in his hand, then looked at Pidge, then back at the paper. "It actually worked"

"Hell yeah it did" Pidge took a sip of her drink "Would I ever lead you astray?"


Jeez. I forgot to mention that i also got inspiration from this tumblr post but i couldn't find it anywhere T_T Ialso had to retype it twice (bc my compouter is complete SHITE) Hope you enjoyed <3

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