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It was 1:58 in the morning going on 2 and Simone was up calling people looking for Woody.

"Okay well Jas if either one of them call you or if you see them can you please give me a call or shoot me a message?"

"Yeah girl you know I will."

"Alright thanks."

She got off the phone with Jasmine and sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair.

"Let me try J's phone one more time." She said out loud to herself.

As she put the phone to her ear the front door opened revealing Woody.

They looked at each other for a quick moment until Woody went to their bedroom.

Simone chuckled, shook her head and replied "wow" lowly.

She texted Jas and told her she didn't have to call anyone Woody made it home.

After Jas texted her and said okay she put her phone down and walked into the room seeing Woody get ready to take a shower.

"Where you been?"

"Out with Splack & Jojo." He nonchalantly responded as he looked for some basketball shorts to wear.

"None of y'all phones had any service or juice?"

He didn't respond he continued to look for some shorts.


"No! They didn't Simone. My phone was dead, Jojo's phone was going dead and Splack didn't have any service."

"But y'all had enough service and juice to post videos at the strip club right? You was able to post on your Insta-story but you couldn't answer my calls?"

He raised up from his position and leaned back on the wall looking at her.

"Why are you trying to pick argument with me? Didn't I suffer enough from ya pops and cousin and now you're trying to beef with me."

"I'm not trying to do anything Woody. Yes I know the dinner was a complete disaster but I'm trying to tal-"

"YOU CANT! WE CANT TALK, WE CANT WORK IT OUT WE CANT DO NOTHING BECAUSE YOU CAUSED THIS SIMONE! I told you I didn't want to go because I knew how ya pops was gonna act and as he continuously disrespected not once did you say anything."

"I-I Woody I did I-"

"Saying "daddy!" & looking shocked isn't taking up for your man and then your cousin." He shook his head and turned his back heading to the bathroom. "Man let me go take this shower so I can go to bed. And fyi I'll be sleeping on the couch tonight."

Simone sat on the bed with her bottom lip tucked in as tears slowly slid down her cheeks. She got off the bed, cut off the light and got under the cover, her back turned towards the bathroom and she silently cried to herself.

Woody came out of the bathroom after his shower and and he went towards the closet to retrieve some cover out of the closet.

"Woody." Simone called out barely above a whisper.

Woody didn't look back or respond but he did stop his movement to let her know he was listening.

"I-I really did take up for you and you know I wouldn't let anyone disrespect you."

Woody didn't say anything he just bit his bottom lip, grabbed the cover, closed the closet door and walked out of the room.

4:55 A.M
4:55 in the morning and Woody & Simone were still up knowing they both had a class in three hours. The only thing they did was toss, turn, cry (Simone) and mental beat themselves up for the things they said earlier (Woody).

Finally accepting the fact that she couldn't sleep, Simone got up and walked into the living room and over to the couch where Woody was and stood over him.

Even though his eyes was closed he knew someone was standing over him and who knew who it was. He pulled the cover back motioned for her to lay on top of him. Once she did he put the cover back on top of them with his arms wrapped around her and her arms wrapped under him and he kissed the top of her head.

They didn't say anything to each other and they didn't have to, the actions alone said "I'm sorry for my behavior you did have my back", "I forgive you" and last but not least "I love you" and they were finally able to get that sleep they needed.

-I know it's short but eh longer part will come next chapter

-I started to leaved it a sad heartbreak update but after saving the chapter and doing other things and then coming back to write again I forgot what I originally wanted to happen so I came up with this and then I figured I gave enough heartbreak when they had their FWB moment and Woody broke her heart and last chapter so I decided not to do y'all like that.

-My babies/best friends/faves (Keith, Luke, Algee & Elijah) will be on Wild N Out tomorrow *hits the milly rock like Woody before I bust out in a twerk fest* "aye yeah yeah turn turn up" 😂😂🤣🤣 excuse the ratchetness & extraness but yasss I can't want to see them. I've been waiting on their episode ever since they showed the previews of season 9 on MTV. And from the clips I saw on Instagram it's going to be funny. I wish Woody would've been on there though I would've loved to see him & D.C roast each other & also would've loved to see Yazz on there too.

-WARNING: just like I gave my thoughts on TALES I'm doing the same thing for tomorrow's episode of Wild N' Out. It may be at the end of the chapter or I may make it a chapter itself it depends on if I'll have chapter twenty one typed it before tomorrow night.

-One more thing before I go, I wish Woody would take some requests on what show or movie we want him and his friends to make a skit out of him because after looking at this throwback page on Instagram there's two movies I want him to make a skit out of of, one with Splack and the other with Jasmine Luv.

-No need to say what to do y'all already know the drill


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