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No song lyrics for this one. 

I get a call from someone and I pick it up.

"Remember me?" an all too familiar voice says.

"No, I told you to stay away," I say, sitting down.

"And when have I ever listened to what people told me?" he says.

"Yeah, I get it Noah. You're a bad boy, but you hurt me so you better listen or you will regret it," I say before hanging up.

I inhale and exhale, trying to calm myself down when I hear a ding from my phone. I look down to see a text.

You can't get rid of me that easily.

"Oh my god," I whisper, clamping my hand over my mouth.

I decide to ask Agnes to come immediately. When she knocks on the door, I open it immediately and throw my arms around her.

"He's back," I whisper.

"Oh no," she says, tensing up.

"He texted and called me today," I say.

"Okay, who have you told?" She asks.

"Just you," I say.

"Tell as many people you can, then he can't get to you," Agnes says.

"Okay," I whisper before pulling my phone out to call Nate, Tom, and Zendaya. "Should I call Zeke?"

"Yes," she says firmly and I call him too.

They all come over and I start my story.

"I called you guys here to tell you that Noah is back. Nate and Zeke know who he is and what he did but Zendaya and Tom don't so I have to tell the story again. A few years ago, I fell in love with Noah. I was happy for a while. I thought I had it all. A good life. Then I realized how wrong I was. Noah became abusive and he cheated on me. He hurt me in ways I hadn't thought was possible. When I tried breaking up with him, he threatened my family," I start choking up and Agnes pats my back. I clear my throat and try to continue. "The only way I got through it was with Zeke, Nate, Agnes, and my family. I told them what happened and we figured out a way to get away from him and keep me safe. I never felt safe with anyone for a while. I started cutting for a while but everyone helped me. I finally healed. At least I healed as much was possible after what happened."

Tom and Zendaya were shocked and sad.

"And today, he called me and texted me. He called and said that even though I told him to stay away, he wouldn't listen. This is the text," I say, showing the text.

By then, Tom was furious.

"You will be safe," he says.

"I know," I say.

"We'll be there to help you this time," Zendaya says.

We talk for a little while and decide to go watch a movie to help me forget about it. By night, Noah was simply a thought in the back of my mind and I felt safe. Well, as safe as I could feel knowing he was out there and coming.

So this story should have at least 3-5 more chapters at the least. Hope you liked it! Drama is coming.

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