Diagnosed With Love for HIM (LAST CHAPTER)

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*A Month Later*

Jacob and Maliyah were on yet another date. The couple felt closer for the last few weeks and they both absolutely loved it.

When Maliyah wasn't taking care of Malik or homeschooling, she was with Jacob. If she wasn't home, she was with Jacob. He didn't mind it one bit.

Jacob loved hanging out with Maliyah just as much as she loved hanging out with him.

He wanted to do something special for his girl since she hasn't really got to relax between Malik and School work. Maliyah at first declined the offer but Jacob didn't stop asking until she said yes.

She stood in her room, looking through a pile of clothes she just had bought from the mall. She didn't want something too fancy, she wanted to look cute and be comfortable at the same time.

She slipped on a long sun dress and some flats and did her hair. She figured that since her clothes weren't all that fancy, she'd do something different with her hair.

She put a curl as a bang in the front and did a tight neat bun and sprayed perfume on herself. She checked to see if everything was together and slipped a pack of gum in her purse before going downstairs to check on Malik.

"Are you sure you got him ma?" "Yes, baby. This isn't the first time I've taken care of a baby" She joked. She smiled lightly.

Usually when she had Malik, she would try to spend as much time as she could with him and was a little sad that she was leaving her little handsome boy for hours.

She tried to get over it, trusting that her mom would and could handle taking care of her grandson. He was such a giggly baby. Maliyah loved when he smiled or laughed so she tickles him and entertains him as much as she can.

When the doorbell rang, she erased her thoughts and opened the door. She got on her tippy toes and kissed him on the cheek before hugging him.

After Jacob said hi and bye to Maleya and Malik, he put Maliyah on his shoulders and ran to the car. "Jacob! I have a dress on. Stoooop" She said while giggling.

He laughed too and put her in the car, closing the door after her before jumping in the drivers seat.

As if on que, Jacob turned on the radio loud so that he could avoid Maliyahs questions about where they were going. For the 20 minute car ride, Jacob and Maliyah sang, rapped, talked, and giggled all the way there.

As the car stopped, Maliyah noticed where they were at. "I haven't been here since I was like, 6!"

Jacob took her to a nearby festival. He cheesed when he noticed how excited Maliyah was to be here. "You like it?" he asked slightly chuckling. Maliyah turned to look at Jacob, "Of course babe" She says reaching for a kiss.

After a little tongue wrestling, Jacob bought their tickets and went inside. After they did a little walking around, they stopped because Maliyah wanted to ride the elephants.

Jacob payed a little extra so that they could be the only one on that particular elephant so that they could be alone.

As the lady helped them on and the elephant started moving, Jacob held Maliyahs waist to keep her steady. Maliyah didn't think that she would feel this unstable on the elephant. She felt like she was going to fall off.

"I want to get off. I feel like I'm going to fall" she said to Jacob, panicking. "You aren't going to fall, I won't let you" He says over her shoulder soothingly to calm her down.

Jacob laughed to himself at how Maliyah was the one who wanted to get on the elephant and now panicking to get off.

After they got off, they stayed for 5 minutes to watch a little magic show before the two went to go eat.

The festival food places didn't have much to choose from so they both ordered hotdogs with fries and found a place to sit.

"So are you having fun so far?" Jacob asked shoving a few fries into his mouth. "Yes! I want to play games next" he was happy that she was enjoying herself.

Jacob ate slow and steady to look at his beautiful girlfriend. Even through all the cruel, evil, ignorant shit she has been through, she still found it in herself to keep going and continue life.

He felt so proud to be with her and glad that they met that day.

"Why are you staring?" She chuckled to herself eating more of her hotdog. "Nothing, I want to show you something after you finish eating"she raised an eyebrow but continued eating.


After she finished eating, he led her up to a hill, keeping her eyes covered with his hands. He told her to keep her eyes closed so he could fix something.

A minute later he shuffled back to her, telling her to open her eyes.

She could smell the Hotdogs and Burgers cooking from back in the festival. With four of the same type of cloths layed nicely pressed on the nice thick grass, with Ruby red Roses shaped like a heart, pertrayed to be a centerpiece. The air nice and cool, the wind at a soft drift.

The moment felt all too real and words she can't even think of. She was so happy that she busted down crying on Jacobs shoulder.

All this time, the 'happy place' she'd drift off to while being raped in her own bedroom, it was here. So many memories flash back to her, sad ones and good and happy ones.

It wasn't about her 'being' in a happy place, it was about her knowing what made her happy in the first place. She and anyone across the world could see that it was Jacob. No matter what, Jacob made her happy.

She kissed Jacob and put her all into that kiss. He put his arms around her waste and hers was around his neck. Their tongues wrestled before they stopped and looked at each other.

She wanted to cry all over again. She hugged him and whispered into his chest and whispered, "Thank you."

Thank you for being there for me no matter what.



That's it! I finally finished my first book. lol, it took me two years but I'm finished! Woo! Lol. Thank you to everyone who even did as much as GLANCED over this book. This book was my first which makes it the most amateurish. I have learned so much from writing this book and starting here. Thank you, thank you, THANK LE FUCK OUT OF YALL. lol.

This is going to start being my thing to put a little add on to the last chapter. lol. Keep reading. VOTE, VOTE, VOTE. COMMENT, COMMENT, COMMENT, FAN, FAN, FAN. Thanks 😎


::Maliyahs POV::

*20 minutes later*

After we played a game, Jacob won me a big teddy bear that I absolutely loved holding.

Jacob and I walked away just talking about what next and I felt something about to come up my throat. I passed the bear to Jacob and ran to the nearest garbage can.

Jacob came running behind me. I frowned thinking about what I did and ate the last few hours.

When the last option came to my mind, I stared at him. "Jacob" I said freezing. He stopped and understood what I was getting at.

My eyes became cloudy and I was suffocating to find the air that was already filled in my lungs. "I can't be..." I tried to convince myself.

Jacob put his arms on my waist. "We got through this once and we can get through this again."


This was my plan all along, BWAHAHAHAHA. lol. I always plan out my endings when I plan my stories. So yup (if you haven't figured out already) she is pregnant.... again. lol. I am such a tease.


Because I'm not making a sequel or an epilogue.

I'm stopping here and let you put your own scenario on how this worked out.

I am so evil. lol.

Comment and fan 😌💁

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2014 ⏰

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