Chapter 1 ~

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So for this there will be two kinds of chapters, the chapter that the title looks like now will be Saihara's chapters, and the chapters that will have a straight hyphen will be Ouma's chapters. Understand?

I zipped up my bag and walked to the door.
"Bye Mother!" I shouted up the stairs. My mother didn't reply. I shrugged and walked out of the door. I closed it gently, or I would be punished if I slammed it. I trudged through the snow and I put my earphones in, and started to listen to music. While I adjusted my hat, I looked up and saw Kaede, Amami and Maki walking over to me.
"Saihara!" Amami shouted over to me. I jogged over to them and smiled.
"Hey guys, excited to go back to school for another six weeks?" I grinned. Kaede nodded. I opened my eyes widely and looked at her.
"I've already got our classes, and oh boy are they bad." Kaede huffed and her breath became visible outside of her mouth.
"What are they?" Maki asked.
"Well one of them is.... Science first period." Maki sighed.
"Again?! Who am I sitting next to?" Maki laughed.
"What are you laughing at?!" Maki smiled why shouting and shoved Amami.
"Your sitting next to..." She moves her hand around the page searching for Maki's name. "Gonta."
Maki sighed deeper again and sat on the floor.
"Fuck school." She laughed and I smiled.
"How about me?" Kaede looked at me and straightened my hat out. I blushed.
"Your sitting next to a new kid, named... Ouma?" She tilted her head sideways in confusion on how to pronounce his name. "I'm pretty sure it's Ouma." She said and looked at me.
"Come on guys, were gonna be late." Kaede skipped off and Maki followed. Amami stayed next to me.
"You like her don't you?" I looked up at Amami and he was smiling.
"Pardon?" I blushed.
"You have a crush on kaede!" He smiled and teased me. I blushed darker and looked down.
"N-no I don't!" I stuttered while saying and Amami laughed. "No fair! Don't tell anyone please!" He grinned.

I put my bag in my locker and looked at Kaede. "Where did you get that seating plan?" I asked her.
"I stole 'em. The teachers didn't notice a thing!" Kaede smiled and blushed. I laughed, tutted and looked down.
"Naughty girl!" I closed my locker and grinned. She shoved me gently.
"Haha very funny." She smiled. "Meet me later, at the local library, the one near the police station." I blushed nodded.
"S-sure thing Kaede." I walked off, smiling.

I opened the door gently and looked at Miss Yukizome.
"Your 14.5 minutes late, Saihara. Sit down." She said and I nodded. Kaede snickered and the school bully, Kaito, laughed and grinned.
"Oooooooh someone's acting tough in front of his girlfriend." Kaito laughed and Maki smiled. Kaito looked at Kaede.
"Are you his boyfriend? Words got around that you have a cute crush on him." Kaito snickered. Maki looked up. Kaede blushed. "What are you gonna do about it, Kaede?" I stood there watching. I walked over to Yukizome, who wasn't at her desk and was already out of the room.
"How?!" I sighed. Kaito stood up and looked at me. I looked back and adjusted my hat.
"Whatcha want, Kaito?" I asked and he smiled.
"A fight." He spat. I sighed.
"No." I replied and a fist hit my stomach. I slid back and hit the wall.
"You mean yes, correct?" Kaito laughed and Maki looked worried. He hit me in the stomach again and I slid down the wall. He kicked my face.
"Are you going to do something?" Kaito asked and I nodded.
"Yep." I jumped up and swung my foot at him. It hit his leg and he stumbled, I lifted my knee up and kneed him in the face, knocking him out cold. "That's what I was gonna do." I sat down next to the new boy. I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"Son, come with me." I recognised that voice, Mr Makato. The headteacher.

I sat down in the visitor chair in his office and sighed.
"He started to bully Kaede sir! And then he punched me in the stomach, doesn't he get a punishment?!" I shouted at him. He nodded.
"Yes he does, but you get a worse one, because you knocked him out." Mr Makato looked down and moved some papers. "Son, you're being suspended for a while." I looked up.
"What?! You know my mum! She'll beat me to death!" I replied and he sighed.
"We know, which is why you will stay with one of your friends parents, his name is Ouma. He's the new student at this school."
"What?! He and I haven't even spoken!" I argued.
"Fine, you and Gonta?" He asked and widened his eye lid.
"I'm going with Ouma. When does it hap-" The office door opened and the secretary, Aoi as we called her, looked at Mr Makato.
"Ouma's parents are here." She told Makato. He nodded and gestured her for them to come in.
"These are your new parents for a week. You will live, stay, be kept safe by these parents for that week. It could be luxury, or Hell. Have a fun time!" Mr Makato pushed me out of the office and I sat down in the waiting area.
"What did you do this time?" Aoi asked.
"Hey! I'm not that bad!" I frowned.

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