Chapter 3 -

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We raced to the area where it happened. I laughed and Saihara looked back. He looked forward. All he saw was a pole and-.
I ran over and rested him on my lap. His forehead was bleeding and it was going on my hands while I tried to block it up. I put my hand in my pocket to grab my phone.
"Fuck! I left it at home!" I shouted. "HELP!" The road was empty. A couple tears dropped onto his face and I shouted help again. No one came. I put my hand on his chest and felt that he was still breathing. I also felt his phone. I grabbed it and rang 999.
"Hello, what's your emergency?" The emergency phone people answered.
"My friend! He ran into a pole and... and he's bleeding! I don't know what to do!" I replied.
"Okay sir, where is he bleeding?"
"His forehead!"
"Okay, what is your name?"
"Ouma Kokichi!"
"Okay and where are you right now?"
"Uhmmmm..... Hope Avenue!"
"Okay, an ambulance will arrive soon."
"Thank you miss! Can you tell me what to do to stop the bleeding?!"
"Have you got a handkerchief or tissue or something?"
"Ummm.... A tissue yeah!"
"Put that on his forehead."
"Isn't it going to sink through?"
"It'll hold it there for a while."
"Thank you!" I hung up and I heard faint sirens. I smiled and hugged Saihara. "You'll be okay buddy..." The ambulance arrived.
They picked his body up and put it on a stretcher. One looked at the other and mouthed some words.
"I-is he okay, sir?" I asked them. One looked at him and checked his breathing. He wasn't breathing. They used the defribilators and nothing happened again.
"I'm afraid to say this... but... your friend here is gone..." the Paramedic said. I looked at him. I dropped to my knees and my eyes filled up with water. Tears dropped and I stay sat there, while the officers put Saihara in the back of the ambulance. They walked over and patted my back.

I jolted up from my bed and screamed. Tears were streaming down my face and I was sweating. Saihara rolled out of his bed and smacked his head on the floor.
"Woah! What just happened?!" Saihara looked at me and rubbed his head. "Why are you crying?" He ran over and hugged me. "Ugh why are you so wet?" I looked at him and smiled.
"Saihara! Your safe!"
"Yeah...? Why wouldn't I be?" He questioned.
"I had a nightmare... where you crashed into a pole, and died." I looked down.
"Oh, but forget about that! It was just a nightmare!" He smiled.
"Is your head okay?" I asked and he nodded.
"So, I can't sleep now, wanna do something?" He looked at me.
"Sure!" I replied and he sat on the floor.
"Truth or dare?" He asked and I nodded and sat next to him.
"Okay you start." Saihara said to me.
"Truth or dare?"
"Are you straight?"
"Yes I am, I have a girlfriend."
"But you could be gay and have a girlfriend."
"you'd be bi, idiot." I tapped his head and he laughed.
"Oh yeah! Anyways, Truth or dare?"
"Are you straight?"
"No, I had a crush on Kiibo, my friend that died."
"Oh cool! Do you have a crush on anyone else?"
"No. Truth or dare?"
"I dare you to-"
"KEEP IT DOWN BOYS AND GO TO SLEEP!" My Dad shouted through the door.
"Sorry Dad!"
We got into our beds and I looked at him and blushed a bit.
"Night Saihara."
"Night, Ouma."

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