Chapter 15 -

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<I'm sorry if I hurt anyone or offend them but there's a suicide in this! Just to warn you>

"W-what?!" Saihara yelled. "How are you okay?! I saw your dead body!" I grinned and sat up.
"That wasn't my dead body. It was my victims...." I grinned.

Sirens rang outside of his house. The door shook as police officers took down the door. The door came tumbling down and they pulled guns out. They filled the room. They looked around and saw no one. They moved the bookcase and went down the stairs. They found the dead body of Officer Gordon, murdered by a purple haired boy named Ouma Kokichi. Sheriff Ryan looked over at the boy, who was tied to a chair, a knife in his mouth, tattered clothing, strewn up hair, and most of all, the knife was bloody. Ryan sighed and looked down.
"G-guys..." One officer said, stuttering.
"What?" The sheriff asked. He looked up.
"Dear god..." There hung the body of Ouma Kokichi.

I stared at Saihara, waiting for a response. He shook his head and gulped.
"W-Wait you're a... m-murderer..?" He asked. I nodded and grinned.
"Yup! I wouldn't murder my beautiful Saihara though!" He gulped when he heard that. The doctor opened the doors with a food tray.
"Good news guys, after you've eaten, you'll be discharged! You can go home!" I nodded and grabbed some toast. I bit into it while Saihara picked at his, his appetite not really existing. He broke a bit off, and put it in his mouth. He chewed it and I finished my toast.
"W-wha?! How are you done already?!" Saihara seemed quite shocked.
"Easy! I just eat like a normal human!" I grinned and laid down. Saihara smiled warily back and stood up.
"I'm just going to the toilet."

Saihara walked inside, and muttered something. He picked his phone up and opened his contacts. He scrolled through them until he found "Such A Dirty Minded Iruma" in the list. He rang the number.
"Saihara?! Is that you?" She questioned and he sighed.
"Yes..." He said.
"It's been so long! Oh my god! Are you okay?! I heard about Ouma... I'm so sorry..." she cried.
"He's fine, that body was someone who had been murdered, by Ouma Kokichi."
"O-Ouma is a m-murderer?"
"Yes." He sighed again.
"O-Oh god... You need to get away from him!" She shouted over the phone, which echoed within the toilet.
"I understand!" Saihara ended the call and walked back to his bed. The doctor had a knife in his stomach.
"So Saihara... what do you think of the murder?" I said, slowly from behind.
"I-I will not answer that! It quite frank fully disgusting." Saihara grabbed a knife from the food tray. He lifted the knife up.
"I'm not afraid to use it, Ouma." I sighed and put the kitchen knife down.
"You're no fun Saihara~" I grabbed the knife he was holding and I aimed it at his head.
"I'm sor

"And that's all we have. That's his entire story. Did that give any clues?"
"No, none." Saihara said. He was located in a jail cell, but with nicer furniture as he is not staying for too long.
"How are you feeling now?" I asked him.
"A lot better." Saihara smiled at the Sheriff. He looked down and sighed.
"Do you know a motive yet officer? Why did he do it?" Saihara questioned and the Sheriff shook his head and shrugged.
"I haven't a clue, Saihara."
"So how many did he kill?"
"30.. people. 5 officers, one being my friend." The Sheriff looked down. "The others were people who had been witnesses or found out. Why wasn't you murdered? Did he say anything?"
"He was disgusting... he called me... beautiful, and his little... play toy..." Saihara shivered slightly. "He wanted me to be his forever. He wanted to own me. He wanted to do whatever he wanted to, whenever. I was tied up to a chair, beaten, multiple times, raped... 5 times... It was horrible." Saihara sighed.
The Sheriff looked down.
"Too bad he killed 'imself, isn't it?" Saihara looked at the Sheriff.
"W-what?" He tilted his head.
"Ouma's fantasies... one was about someone named Kiibo, and another for someone called Amami." He dodged the question. "Their dead bodies were found in there, and they had rope marks, burns and severe bone damage, meaning, if you had stayed in there any longer, you could have died." Saihara whimpered in fear.
"O-oh god..." Saihara started to cry. The Sheriff stood up and walked off.

As he walked out of the room, a single tick sounded in that one particular jail cell. On the road outside of the police station, a girl wearing pink and was driving a Volkswagen, raced up the road, attempting to stop it. The police officers at that one station did not know what was happening. Another tick happened. This time louder, faster. Saihara stood up.
"What the-" The jail cell door locked, and Saihara stood stuck. The Sheriff walked over. He put his hands through the cell bars.
"Well done Saihara, you've got yourself stuck in a messy situation. You're stuck in a jail cell, with a clocked bomb next to you. What do you do?"
"He calls for help." The sheriff turned around and looked at Miu Iruma, with Kaito Momota, Ryoma Hoshi, and Hanamaru Teruteru, the class bullies.
"We may have bullied him, but we don't let a classmate die." Kaito snickered and punched the sheriff. "This guy isn't the sheriff. It's Ouma Kokichi. The real sheriff is dead." He grinned. Ryoma took the jail door down and deactivated the bomb. The ticking stopped and a silence went through the halls. Police officers ran to Ouma, and handcuffed him up. Iruma ran over to Saihara and grabbed his arm, and ran towards the car. The bullies followed, and they all drove home as friends, safe, happy friends.

Five Years Later
Ouma was sentenced with a life sentence in jail, Saihara and Iruma married, and soon later had kids. One boy and one girl, named Ethan and Stephanie. The class bullies went their separate ways, one worked in a prison, and one worked in a restaurant as a Chef. Some say Kaito went to space, some don't. Saihara lives happily and sometimes gets flashbacks, but is comforted by his loving wife, Miu Iruma.


Ok so that was absolutely manic
I just got the last chapter out for this book
Ahhh I'm excited
Right so I know this book was bad, it like just went really downhill from the lemon. I started to like lose ideas for it, but I then found out this maybe a good idea.
I'll explain everything, because it's quite confusing.

Ouma Kokichi, wrote a fantasy story about Saihara and himself, but obviously as them going to the same school.

Ouma Kokichi and Saihara Shuichi did not know eachother outside of the story, but he wrote a fantasy about them because the minute he saw him, he fell in love. Ouma Kokichi was also classed as a murderer, as him killing 30 other people, some being his torture victims.

Shuichi Saihara was stuck in Ouma Kokichi's basement, which was hidden behind a bookcase. Shuichi Saihara was raped, beaten, hurt, abused and tortured while tied up in a chair.

Ouma Kokichi had lots of interruptions during him writing the end of the book. In the Fantasy, it was going to end like how it would in real life, Shuichi Saihara being stabbed to death my Ouma Kokichi, but the police had found him before he could, so he faked death and pretended to be the sheriff. When Saihara was taken in by the sheriff, he attempted to kill Saihara by planting a bomb inside of his jail cell.

Miu Iruma had thought something was up as he was taken to the police station, and not his house, plus she wanted to see him. She decided to bring the 3 boys along aswell, as they were all out at a nightclub when Saihara was taken to the Police Station. Miu Iruma and the boys had caught the Sheriff attempting homocide, red handed, and so the boys took out the sheriff, who was really Ouma. Ouma was taken to prison, for life, and the 4 boys and 1 girl left the police station and went back to their houses. Saihara and Iruma later moved out of the country, and to the Philippines. Turns out, the house they bought was the one from the fantasy....

I hope everyone enjoyed this book! The nice lovely comments I received for this book helped me and made me persevere to write this book. This book also hit 2.0k reads today (14/11/17) and I just want to thank everyone who read this book. This book has changed my life and made me want to become an author even more. Thank you, to all of you, for the lovely support, funny moments and moments where I have no clue what's going on. I thank you all so so much.

In the comments, I'm going to write 5 books that I'm planning to write. Whichever you want me to write, comment vote within that comment thread. I will give credit to the ones who voted for the winning story. Thank you once again!

- The Author of Suspension, An OumaSai Fanfic, also known as Ben 👉😎👉

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