How you sleep

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How you sleep


You lie facing each other, arms wrapped around each others bodies. Comforting each other with your body heat. As you fall asleep you know that you're safe in his arms


You guys always hold hands when you guys sleep. Its kind of weird but You lay straight up, facing towards the ceiling and holding Alby's hand. It makes you feel secure and makes sure that he'll always be there. Whenever you wake up from a bad dream, Ably's hand is always there for you to give it a light, reassuring squeeze.


You lie with his arms swung across your hips, your legs intertwined. You say your goodnights before falling asleep in his warm embrace. You always wake up in the same position, with Newt's firm grasp in your waist and your legs tangled with his.


His big, muscular arms are always around you, protecting you from anything and everything. You lie with your head on his chest while he strikes your hair, whispering:

"Good night babe, I love you"

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