You watch a scary movie together

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you sat back next to Minho on the couch. You didn't want to show him you were scared. He wasn't, it was just a movie. You gripped the couch but then couldn't take it. You hid your face in your hands bringing your knees up to your face. Minho laughed at you. You moved your fingers apart but then moved them back shaking. He wrapped his arm around you. "Don't worry babe it's only a movie."

"Yeah says the Runner who's not scared of anything." You said turning your head in his shoulder. Right when you looked back at the screen something popped out and you screamed. He laughed as you climbed into his lap. "Babe calm down. Nothing's gonna hurt you."

"Says you!" You said in his chest. He tightened his grip around. "It's okay I won't let anyone hurt you." You turned back around to watch the movie staying in his lap as he kissed your head.


you put the blanket over your head again. Suddenly your blanket lifted up and another head appeared. "Can I join you?" Thomas said. "I don't like this part."

"I don't like this movie!" You said moving closer to him. He looked at you and smiled. "You're so silly." He said laughing. "Me? You're scared to!"

"I am not!" He took his head out of the blanket and someone screamed on screen and his head was back under the blanket. You started laughing. "Told ya." You said with a grin. He smiled and kissed your forehead. You two stayed under the blanket and talked and laughed casually jumping every once in a while from the tv. After the movie Thomas grabbed a flashlight and lit up under the blanket and you two talked for most of the night.


he built a whole fort around you as you lay leaning up against pillows. You were really sick and he wanted to spend time with you sick or not. He decided to make a fort around you including the tv and all. He slipped in a movie, he loved scary movies. Mostly the parts where you would hide behind him. "What are we watching?" You asked tiredly. "You'll see." He said sliding next to you wrapping an arm around you. "No. I don't wanna watch this." You said as the menu screen popped up. "C'mon Y/N it's a great movie."

"It's about a haunted hotel room.. It's scary." You said then sneezed.

"Bless you. And okay true but I mean 1408 isn't that scary. Just try and watch it?"

"Fine." You two started watching the movie. After some screaming and jumping from you, you just hid behind him the rest of the movie. He loved it, that was his goal. "Newt!?" Alby yelled opening his room door. "What the shuck." He said moving the blankets to the entrance of the fort. "What are you doing?"

"Watching a scary movie with Y/N"

"Where is she?" Newt leaned forward and showed alby behind his back.

"Well she's not watching the movie is she."

"That depends on how you define watching."

"Using your eyes to look at something to observe for a while."

"Yeah she's not watching." Alby laughed. "Alright just... Don't.. Do anything stupid with this fort." He nodded as alby left. "Don't worry babe I got you." He said holding you. After the movie you two got in his bed which was still in the fort and you got as close as you could. Then you both fell asleep.


you were okay with scary movies it's just your ears were sensitive. You'd normally hold your ear while everyone else was covering their eyes. You didn't care about what you saw. Alby would sometimes help you cover your ears. If he knew a scary part was coming he'd cover your ears first. But when you two were watching a scary movie at his house it went a little different. You were both sitting on the couch as usual. Your knees were up the blanket was to your chin as you gripped it tightly. You knew something scary was going to happen and the movie was already scary. Alby had seen it before so when something touched the side of your head you freaked. You screamed shortly and jumped almost two feet in the air. "Whoa! Just me!" He said and then you heard a loud noise from the tv covering your ears. You turned around to see a shadow coming down the hallway. "Alby?" You whispered.


"Who's that?" You said pointing behind him. He turned and his eyes went wide. You sunk down as Alby tried to see them. Suddenly it stopped. You two both froze and then it jumped forward. You both screamed but you covered your ears as well. When you both stopped screaming you realized what it was. "Minho what the shuck!" Alby yelled. "Oh that was too funny." Minho said walking through the living room. "You scared the klunk out of us!" Alby said looking at you as you tried to calm yourself down. You finally took your hands off your ears. "You suck Minho." You said giving him a glare. He smiled and suddenly a loud noise from the tv made you all scream. Even Minho. "You still suck." You said to him an he laughed. Alby wrapped his arm around you holding you tightly.

I hope you guys like it! I wrote it while I was in the car so yeah sorry they are short! I'll be posting my other one in a little while, gotta make some changes to it but yeah hope you guys liked it!

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