Happy Birthday Shelly!!

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This is a one-shot requested by @fez5gupi for her friend, Shelly, who's birthday is coming up. Hope you like it c:



"Ugh Gally.." You whine as he drags you along.

"Just wait," Gally looks back at you with a small, sweet smile. You sigh and follow, letting your boyfriend drag you where ever.

You guys come along to his house/apartment. Gally pulls you to the door and grabs a blindfold from his pocket, "oh hell no," You retort, backing up as he tries to tie it around your head. Gally pouts, "Cmon, you'll ruin everything if you don't put it on.."

You groan softly, snatching the blindfold from his hand, tying it over your eyes. Gally grins and grabs your hand as he opens the door, leading you inside. You take in a deep breath as he stands behind you, catching a whiff of something sweet.

"Ready?" Gally whispers in your ear. You nod and he removes the blindfold. Gasping, you cover your mouth.

Newt, Alby, Thomas, Chuck, Minho, and a few of your friends were standing behind a small table, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" They scream together. You smile widely as Minho places a cake on the table, lighting a few candles.

"Happy Birthday, Shelly," he chirps.

Gally grins and wraps his arms around your waist, "Happy Birthday baby,"





Omf I didn't realize how short that was till I read over it omg, I'm sorry

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