Glader Hits you (Newt and Minho)

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Idea: @funniebunnie01 (both)

Written by: @funniebunnie01 (both)

Charatcer: Newt

Rate: Clean


You had been in the Glade for a while now almost a year to be in fact. Life actually wasn’t so bad, you found a wonderful boyfriend who was yours and only yours, Newt, and nothing bad ever happened. Sure there were the occasional Stings, but other than that, things were amazing!
Until someone just about lost their shucking mind.
It was the end of a long day filled with hard work and sweat and you were just taking a walk around the Glade to clear your mind and relax with all the smells that the Glade had to offer. You were making your way towards Homestead when you felt a hand wrap around your waist. You smiled and looked to your side, expecting to see Newt there, but instead you saw another Glader.
His name was Shawn. You didn’t know Shawn all too well, but you guys held a decent conversation every once in a while. It was a little odd of him to just walk up to you and wrap an arm around your waist like that though. You let out an uneasy laugh and pulled his arm off of you.
“Uh, can I help you?” you questioned a little uneasy.
“As a matter of fact,” Shawn said while trying to wrap his and around your waist again. “I think you can.”
This time you slapped his hand off of your waist and looked up at him, fear in your eyes. “No, Shawn, you know I’m with Newt,” you say sternly to let him know that you mean what you’re saying.
A laugh escaped Shawn’s throat as he grabbed onto your arm. “Come on Y/N, he doesn’t have to know,” Shawn says in a deep whisper.
“Shawn, let me go,” you demand while pushing up against his chest, which is useless because he’s probably three times stronger than you.

He let out a simple laugh as if what he was doing to you was just a simple and fun game. His grip didn’t weaken at all though, and he still had a hand on you pretty good. “Come on Y/N,” he started.
You didn’t let him finish what he was about to say, instead, with your free hand you slapped him across the face. “Let me go!” you shouted at him.
With a jerk, Shawn’s face was brought to the side by your slap, but it obviously didn’t hurt him too much since you hit him with your bad hand. Shawn stared down at you with a sort of violent fire in his eyes.  “Why do you have to be so difficult?” he questioned while letting go of your arm.
Just when you thought he was going to let you go you felt the back of his hand meet your cheekbone with a painful amount of force. The pain blossomed around your face like a million bees were stinging your face at the same time over and over again in the same area. You brought your hand up to you face and you could already feel how sore it was. It was definitely going to leave a bruise later.
When you next looked up to see what Shawn was going to do next you saw Newt running as fast as he could with his limp and he grabbed onto Shawn forcing him to face Newt. Shawn’s eyes went wide when he saw Newt looming over him and Newt didn’t even give him the time to explain what he was doing, his fist instantly connected with Shawn’s face and Shawn fell to the ground.
After that, Newt turned to you and quickly walked over to you. “Y/N, are you okay? What did that shank try doing to you?” he questioned quickly while wrapping you in his arms.
A few tears were streaming down you face from the pain in your face and you wrapped your arms around Newt’s strong form. In a jumbled mess, you explained everything that, that stupid shank tried to do to you and when you finished Newt looked like he was ready to go over and beat the hell out of Shawn.
“Don’t worry Y/N,” Newt said while running his fingers carefully through your hair. “I promise you that he’ll never bother you again.”
You slowly pulled away from him and looked up at Newt, wiping a few tears away from your eyes. A few of the other Gladers where dragging Shawn over towards the Slammer, and a few were just standing around looking at you and Newt. You slowly nod your head and sigh as you try and calm down a little. “Okay,” you say softly.
You managed to smile at Newt and he smiled back while grabbing your hand. “Come on Love,” he said, his accent just about melting your heart. “Let’s get some ice on that.”

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