Without make up!

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✔Without Makeup!


Thomas was your older brother. Of course he was mean to you, it was his job. But he wasn't that mean, normally he helped you with everything. He helped you with homework or bullies at school. He told you everything too. He warned you about who was dangerous and who wasn't. But you were going out to dinner with your dad and him just as a family. It's the first time in a long time. You were going somewhere really really nice. Your dad was in a tux and Thomas was in a suit. You had on a nice blue dress that went down to just above your knees, it flowed so it wasn't tight on your body. It was your favorite even though you don't like dresses. You looked in the mirror fixing your hair that you just curled when Thomas walked in.

"You look beautiful Y\N." He said scaring you. You jumped and spun around.

"Oh my god Tommy you scared the crap out of me."

"I'm just saying you look beautiful. You should change."

"Why?" You asked looking down at your dress.

"Because I don't want guys seeing you in this it could give them ideas! And no guy will touch my litle sister!" He said hugging you from behind.

"Thomas!" You complained and laughed at the same time. "I haven't even put my makeup on yet.

"What do you need make up for?"

"Umm... I need it." You said looking for your makeup bag.

"You wear makeup?"

"No, not really. Sometimes." Thomas thought.

"Oh, I know. But you don't wear it to school do you?" He asked

"Not really."

"Good, then you don't need it now." He said taking your hand.

"Why not?" You said slipping your hand out of his grip.

"Because you look beautiful without it."

"Not really."

"Y\N." He said seriously looking into your eyes. "You're my little sister, my baby, the one person I can talk to about everything. Trust me when I say you don't need it. You look amazing. You don't need any of that stuff on your face. No matter what magainze says what makeup is right for you. Because you know what makeup is right for you?"

"What?" You said looking at him.

"None, because no makeup can make you more beautiful then you already are." You smiled and hugged him

"Thomas you're the best brother ever."

"I know, helps me sleep at night. Dad! Doesn't Y\N look beautiful."

"You look just like your mom." He said hugging you. "And let me tell you, your mom was beautiful." You smiled at both of them and hugged them again.


You were going to prom. And you were going with your boyfriend Minho. You couldn't believe that it was the end of senior year already. You and Minho have been dating for the longest time, well since last year but it felt like longer. You love him and he loved you more then anything. You were getting ready, you had your dressed which you loved your shoes which were beautiful. Your hair was done perfectly. All you needed was your makeup. Suddenly someone knocked on your door. It was your mom thank god.

"Y\N Minho's here."

"Oh crap. He's early! I haven't even done my makeup yet."

"Well I'll do it down stairs okay?" You nodded, you didn't care if Minho saw your mom do your makeup, it probably would be fun to watch. You walked down the stairs as your dad took pictures of you, and Minho. Minho's mouth opened and his eyes widened. He looked so cute, he was so handsome. You got to the bottom of the stairs and he took your hand slipping on the corsage.

"You look beautiful." He said looking at every inch of you. You giggled.

"I haven't even done my makeup yet."

"Makeup? You don't need it. You look amazing."

"But, I'll look even better with makeup on." You said.

"No. You don't need that stuff. Stuff like that takes away the real beauty that's inside. And the beauty inside you, is more beautiful then anyone else is, with makeup, or without makeup on." You laughed. "You are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my entire life. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"I love you." You said with a smile. You hugged Minho and he hugged you back.

"I love you too. And remember. You are beautiful. No matter what, but you don't need makeup because that doesn't help your beauty. It hides it." You smiled feeling a happy tear roll down your cheek as you hugged him again. That night you two went to prom and people told you,

"Y\N you look so beautiful!"

"Y\N are you wearing makeup?" Your best friend asked.

"No." you said getting nervous.

"That's all you? You look beautiful! I thought you were wearing makeup you look so pretty!" You smiled and said thank you.

"I told you." Minho said with a smirk.

"Shut up I know." You said giving him a kiss.


You were going on a last minute dinner date with Newt. He planned it last minute because he wanted to take you out and didn't care what it took. He was going to bring you to some really nice place, so you were getting ready. You were wearing just a white summer dress, and he told you he was wearing a suit thats how nice it was. Suddenly there was a knock on your bedroom door. Newt opened it and smiled at you. You were almost ready, you just needed to do your make up. He took a flower from behind his back it was beautiful.

"Awe, Newty you didn't have to." You said taking the flower from him. He smiled and kissed you.

"But I did for my beatufiul girl. Are you ready to go or do you need a minute?"

"I just need to do my makeup."

"Okay." Newt said letting you take a few steps then he grabbed your hand. "Okay let's go."

"Newt I just said I needed to do my makeup."

"Yeah, and you have all the makeup on that you need so lets go."

"I didn't put any on yet."

"Exactly. You don't need any."

"Newt, look at my face."

"Trust me, I am." He said with a smile gazing into your eyes. "It is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my entire life. Makeup will ruin it."

"You don't like when I wear it?" You said your eyebrows raising.

"Y\N. You're a beautiful if you wear it or not. Makeup doesn't make you beautiful, you make the makeup beautiful. You don't need the make up to hide anything. Your face is spotless, it is flawless, it is perfect." he kissed your cheek as you giggled. "And I love it." You laughed and tapped his chest. "And besides! The way that you look now, all the boys will be looking at you, but not for more then 10 seconds." You looked at him. "They look at you with that look that they always do thinking 'Damn! She's so fine! Shes so beautiful' for more then 10 seconds, I'll knock them out. You're mine." He said wrapping his arms around your waist pulling you in.

"Newty, I love you."

"I love you more." He said kissing you gently. "No lets go I'm actually getting really hungry." You giggled and walked out of your room, with no makeup and out to dinner with the best boyfriend in the world. He was right the guys were looking at you and Newt would point it out. "Look theres another one. And he's actually on a date with someone. Ouch. Okay stop looking bro or you're gone."

"Newt." You whispered with a giggle. He kissed your head and you both sat down for dinner.

Sorry some are short guys i couldn't think of anything! I'm gonna do another one before the series hopefully i can get the series in there! But yeah I hope you guys liked it!! XOXO

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