Griever Stings (Newt only)

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(Idea: @isolated-outcast
Written by: @isolated-outcast and @darbyclements {me})

Fandom: TMR{based roughly on the movie}
Character: Newt
Rate: Clean, but some swear words
You gasped for air and opened your eyes, you looked around and seen that you were in a box.
Red and blue lights passed as the box went up. Then, the box stopped and the doors opened, revealing the sun light.
You squinted your eyes, trying to get the sun out of them. "Bloody hell." You mumbled and put your hands over your face.
You swallowed, eyes widening a bit as you look around, seeing boys gather around the opening.
A taller boy jumped down into the box. You gasped slightly, scooting back away from him, "Who are you?!"
The boy looked around at the others, "Why is there a girl I here? We've never had a girl.."
"Question remains, who the fuck are you!" You asked. The boy ignored your question and pulled you up.
"What is that on the back of her neck!" One boy yelled.
The boy that was holding you, turned you around and moved your hair. "A12 belongs to the leader." He read out loud.
Everyone was confused, Alby was gone. So who could the leader be?
Then one boy yelled out, "Ooh, Newt has a girlfriend!" All the boys started cheering as Newt looked confused.
You raised an eyebrow and look around, "Who the hell is Newt?" You huffed.
"Gally let the poor girl go.." A boy with dark hair muttered as Newt climbs down into the box.
"Hello, Greenie. I'm Newt," Newt said simply, sticking out his hand as the guy supposably named 'Gally' let go of you
"Hello, Newt?" You shook his hand and let go.
"Do you remember your name?" He asked as the boy with dark hair threw down a rope.
"Yeah, Y/N." You walked over to the rope and so did Newt. All the boys pulled you out. And then pulled Gally out.
"What is this place?" You looked around.
"Welcome to the Glade, Green Bean." Gally patted your head. You slapped his arm, and ran to what looked like a tree house. Well not really a tree house. Something, you could climb to get away from the boys.
As you ran, the boys cheered, "Looks like we got ourselves another runner!" The boy with dark hair yelled.
You climbed up the ladder and looked down to see all the boys gathering around it. "Alright, that's enough, come on down." Gally said.
"Leave me alone!" You threw a rock down at them.
"Newt get up there and get your girlfriend!" A short boy with curly hair said, giggling.
"She's not my girlfriend!" Newt exclaimed.
"Yeah!" You yelled from the wooden structure, "What he said! I've not been here five minutes!"
Gally rolled his eyes, "Just calm down, Y/N. We can talk and figure this out,"
"I said leave me alone!" You snapped, throwing more rocks and limbs down.
"Ow!" Gally squeaked as a small rock hits his head.
You giggled a bit, "This is fun." You continue throwing rocks and limbs down at them.
You looked down, at them, to see that they had something over there heads expect for Gally.
"If you throw one more rock, I swear-" Gally was cut off by you throwing a rock at his head. "That's it!" He started to go up there but Newt stopped him.
"Gally stop!" Newt snapped, his accent coating every word he says.
You smirk and look down at them, eyes gazing over Newt.
Gally growled and stepped off the ladder, looking up at you, "This isn't over, princess. I'll get you later," he huffed.
You smiled sweetly and look at him innocently, "Can't wait," you cooed.
You throw a rock at his back as he walked away. He turned around again, and again Newt stopped him.
"Y/N. Stop." Newt pointed at you and pushed Gally away.
You huffed and back away. You heard someone climbing up and you grabbed a large stick, you were about to swing but stopped.
"Hey!" Newt puts his hands up. "I'm not going to hurt you. I swear."
You backed up into the back corner and glare at him, "What do you want?" You asked coldly.
Newt pulled himself onto the floor and slowly sat down, "I just wanna talk,"
"Wanna talk? Fine, lets talk. Why is everybody calling me your girlfriend? Why am I here?" You watched him closely as he sat down.
"Look, I don't know why everyone is calling you my girlfriend." He shrugged, "I don't remember you." He looked at you closely.
You huffed, pulling your knees to your chest after dropping the stick, "Yeah. I don't remember you either.. Or anything at that, well, other than my name," you muttered.
Newt sighed a bit and nodded, "everyone is like that when they get here. No recollection of anything but their name. Other than Thomas,"
"Thomas?" You asked sitting up a bit more.
Before, Newt could answer, everybody started screaming.
"Grievers!" Everyone started running around as the Grievers came out of the maze.
"What the hell are they doing out in the day!" Newt got up quickly, he looked at you.
"We need to get out of here!" He grabbed your hand and you both climbed down the ladder quickly.
Newt looked around worried before calling out, "Thomas!!"
The boy that had let the rope down earlier ran over quickly.
Newt grabbed your hand and placed it in Thomas's, "Get her away and hide her while I go help the others,"
"Someone! Help me!!" A boy screamed out in the distance.
You all turned around, Newt started running towards the boy but it was to late.
The Griever had already got him and took him away. "Run!" Newt yelled.
Thomas nodded and squeezed your hand before running, dragging you along.
You bit your lip and try to ignore the screaming as you run by Thomas's side, into a wooden building.
Newt followed shortly after, helping other boys along the way.
Everything got quiet, as everyone listened to hear where the Grievers were.
You were over by the wall with Thomas and Newt. Suddenly, a griever slammed against the wall, breaking it. You felt a sharp pain in your side, and screamed.
"Newt!" Thomas yelled. "She got stung!"
Newt gasped and ran to your side, "Y/N!"
"P-Pocket.." You muttered, "My pocket.." You said again before falling unconscious.
Thomas ran over also, only being a couple yards away, kneeling next to him, "What about her pockets?!"
Newt reached into your pocket, and grabbed two small objects filled with blue liquid.
"What the hell is this?" Newt mumbled.
"Maybe it's some kind of cure." Thomas took one.
"No. No." Newt stopped Thomas before he could put the 'cure' in you.
"We don't know for sure." You started shaking.
Thomas looked down at you, "We have to take that risk."
Newt swallowed nervously and looked down at your shaking body, "O-Okay.. Just do it.."
Thomas pulled the cap off and injected it into your arm, allowing the bluish liquid to flow into your veins.
Once the liquid was in your veins, you stopped shaking.
Thomas and Newt watched you closely. You gasped for air and sat up quickly.
Newt smiled softly and looked at you, "Well, that shit worked.."
You looked over to them, panting, "Is that medicine..?" You breathed out, trying to catch your breath.
Thomas nodded, "Apparently so,"
"It is true, you know." She glanced at Newt as Thomas helped her up.
"What's true?" He looked at her.
"You are my boyfriend."
Thomas grin and giggled as Newt looks at you confused.
Newt raised an eyebrow and turned to Thomas before looking back at you, "How so?"
"I remember when, when we were little kids and you kissed me on the cheek, that's when they put this on my neck." You pointed to the back of your neck.
"Aww, young love." Thomas giggled and pushed you towards Newt.
You didn't have time to catch your balance, and you fell Newts arms.
You blushed furiously and look up at him, leaning into Newt's touch.
"I don't remember but you're very beautiful and I'm glad it's you," newt mumbled, blushing.
"I may not remember all of it, but I'm glad it's you too." You smiled still blushing.
"Oh, for Petes sake just kiss already!" Thomas whined and turned away making you giggle and Newt chuckle.
You smiled and blushed more, gently pressing your lips to Newt.
Newt hugged your waist, kissing back softly before pulling away.
Thomas giggled childishly, "Awe!"
"My babies, there growing up." Thomas pretended to wipe his tears.
"Oh, shut up." You smiled and pushed his shoulder making him chuckle.
So, tell me what you guys think in the comments. (There also might be a few grammar issues in this XD)
And as always, comment ideas, inbox me, or Kik me @wolf_teen.
I'm always happy to help you write and I'll be more than happy to post the story(with credit, of course!)
Don't forget to vote, comment and follow! :) thanks!!
I love you guys!

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