First kiss and the L word

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So I've been tallying up of which ones had more and i kinda confused myself 😂

So I think I'll just do the ones I see the most. But like I'm completely brain dead! 😂

So here goes nothing 😂




You and Thomas walk into the movie theater, hand in hand.

"Can you please tell me what we're watching, tommy?" You begged

"No, (y/n) it's a surprise." Thomas replied as you groaned.

It was your birthday and Thomas decided to take you out for dinner and a movie. He didn't exactly know what movie you'd like to watch. But he knew you love Jensen Ackles so he chose 'My Bloody Valentine'

You groan again as you two take your seats in the theater. "Baby just tell me!" You whine.

Thomas grins, stuffing his face with popcorn. You roll your eyes as the movie begins to play. You get a few minutes into the movie and you begin to freak out,

"Tommy! You didn't tell me JENSEN ACKLES was gonna be in the movie!"

Thomas grins widely,

"I told you it was a surprise!" He whispers. You squeal and continue to watch the movie.

After it ended you were still freaking out. Thomas grabs your hand and leads you out of the building and out to his car.

"Calm down, (y/n)" he chuckles. You both get into the car and he drives you home.

You hop out of the car as he walks to your side to walk you up to your house. You smile and take his hand.

"Thanks tommy, I really has fun tonight." Thomas smiles and blushes, walking you to the front door.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow, (y/n)"

"I guess I will," you giggle and reach for the door handle.

"Oh, wait," Thomas says. you stop and turn to him, "I forgot to give you something," he smiles, crashing his lips to yours. He pulls away after a second, grinning like an idiot.

You smile, "goodnight, tommy,"

"I love you," Thomas smiles as you walk into the house,

"I love you too, tommy"



It was Valentines day Sam you were on your way to your boyfriends, Alby's, house. He opens the door and You smile as Alby hands you a giant stuffed bear. He chuckles and hugs you, "happy Valentines day, (Y/n). I love you" you look up at him in shock. It was the first time he'd said that to you. Alby smiles fondly down at you, gently pressing his lips to yours. Your heart flutters and you kiss back.


Newt smiled happily as you both walked back to his house/apartment. He decided it was a 'special day' (but it really wasn't) but you played along with it. Newt chose to cook dinner for you tonight, but he wasn't going to tell you. And the kitchen was off limits. You giggle and shake your head as you both walk into the living room of the small building.

"Alright, (y/n) you have to stay in here. And you can't come into the kitchen. You are banned from the kitchen until I get done." You nod and roll your eyes playfully as you sit on the couch. Newt hands you the tv remote and walks into the kitchen. Around 40 minutes had passed and you started to get hungry.

"Newt are you done yet?"

"Almost!" He called back. You groan and lay back on the couch.

A few seconds later Newt emerged from the kitchen.

"Okay, Love, it's ready," he grins and grabs your hand. You stand and follow him into the kitchen. There was a small table with a plate (which had a silver bowl on top of it) and cups for you, a small candle in the center. You smile and cover your mouth.

"Awe newt.." Newt smiles and pulls a chair out for you. You sit and watch him take his seat. Newt reaches over and grabs the handle of the bowl over the plate, revealing a large plate of noodles and sauce

"Oh newt, you're so cheesy," he chuckles and grabs his fork. You do the same and you both begin eating. And just like in 'Lady and the Tramp,' you both grab the same noodle, eventually locking lips. You close your eyes and gently kiss him back. Newt pulls away after awhile, his cheeks bright red.

"I love you Newt," he smiles and kisses you again,

"I love you too, (y/n)"



For Minho, there's not really a story. He just walked up to you one day and jumped right to it, smashing his lips on yours, then whispered, "I love you, (y/n)"



Omf Alby's was so short /)_(\
Again, if you have any one-shots or stories, send them in through my Inbox and I'll be happy to post them with credit


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