How it all started

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"Run Alyssa" I yell back as she rubbed the white rose in the newly shed blood. Alyssa-Rae grabbed the weapons and ran along side me. We climbed down the back of the building. Then a thought, one single thought made me think. "How did I get here" then I remembered. I was... wait I starting to far ahead, let me go back to the beginning. It all started on the year 2005, my mother died, I was left to live with my father in Oklahoma. After my mother was gone for a month my father became a drunk. He would hit, punch, and kick me when ever he got the chance. When I turned thirteen I had enough we had an argument. That night only I knew what happened. From the fight I gained 2 new scars and a bruise on my neck. Then mysteriously my father died and I was gone. Everyone thought that someone killed him in a minute. But the true story is... actually let me save that for another time. But I ran. For I while I was riding box cars to different states. Soon I had cut all feelings from my life, no more sadness, no more pain, no more happiness, and there is no more tears shed, I had no reason everyone I loved had gone. Soon I reached las angeles, And soon the blood roses found me. I told them everything then they partnered me with Alyssa- Rae and I was assigned a guardian, they only came to the apartment once a day to make sure we where still alive. Alyssa-Rae trained me to become a world class Assassin. Our first job was to illuminate a police officer that came close to finding the organization. After my first murder, things got really easy. And that is where it all began. "Aurora-sama, are you ok" Alyssa-Rae asked. "Yea" I respond. As we continue to lower ourself down the building. As we arrive at the apartment, we remove our white masks and black gloves.

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