Sam Winchester

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*My second Fan-fiction! I can't believe it :) Now, I am still writing “Highschool Destiel Love Story AU” I just wanted to start something new. So, I am writing two Fan-fictions at once...this is going to be hard but fun. :) I really hope you guys like this story, but I need your opinions because if you don't like it then I'm going to focus more on my Destiel story, but if you like it, I will upload at least once a week maybe more :) *

Chapter 1

Dean's Point of View

“Sam, Sammy, SAM!” I yell to my little brother who is zoned out looking at a random wall in my Uncle Bobby's house. Ever since my Mom and Dad died he has barley said a word to anyone.

Someone broke into our house, while Sammy and I were having a sleepover at our friend Ash's, and burned it down after tying our parents to chairs and leaving them there.

That was a year and three months ago. After it happened we lived with my mom's friend Ellen and her kids, Ash and Jo, but we just couldn't take living there anymore so we moved in with our uncle five days ago.

Tomorrow is our first day at school in this new town. I do miss our old place with Ellen but we thought that maybe the reason that Sam only talks to me, when he does talk, but no one else at school or at home is because that place reminds him of what happened to our parents. Maybe, hopefully, this will help him.

I have to stay strong for Sammy, that's why after the fire happened I never grieved in front of him I waited until it was night time and everyone was asleep to breakdown. I haven't really done that in awhile but sometimes when I just have a bad day I cry myself to sleep.

But Sam, I haven't seen or heard him cry since the fire. In fact, I haven't seen him express any emotions. It's like right when the police officers said, “Your parents...they didn't make it. I'm sorry,” he just shut down. He never smiles, laughs, cries, yells, screams, or I guess, talk. I mean its not like he doesn't function, he still gets straight A's but when I try to get him to talk he just ignores me and focuses on his school work.

Bobby is always gone because of work, but he won't tell me what he does. Maybe he's a ninja or something cool like that. So for now, I'm all Sam has and he's all I have.

I walk over to him and snap my fingers in his face, “Sam!” I finally get his attention and he stares at me waiting for me to continue, “We have school tomorrow. It's already 12 you should get some rest.” He doesn't say anything, he just stands up and walks to his room.

I'm really not looking froward to going to school tomorrow. Every school is the same, a giant prison with mean teachers and a bunch of annoying people. I swear the only good thing about high school are hot girls, when there are any.

I walk up to my room and turn on the light, then grab my phone and plug it in after texting Ellen back. I walk over to my small beat up TV and turn it on before crawling on to my bed and scrolling through the channels. Japanese Game Show, no. CSI, no. Supernatural, I mean I like that show its just a little to close to my life. Well without all the demons, ghosts, and angels running around. Doctor Sexy, Uh YES!

I fall asleep hoping tomorrow will go by fast...

Gabriel's Point of View

My alarm clock goes off at 7 am. Ugh, I hate school! I would rather be playing pranks on people all day! After getting ready I run down the long stair case and into the kitchen where Anna and Michael are reading the paper, eating toast, and drinking coffee. Man, they look like old people.

I never knew my mom because she left after giving birth to me, Michael and Anna are the only ones who remember her because Cassie was only 2. My control freak of a dad left us soon after that. He couldn't take having to care for all of us, it was ciaos at first but now there is peace. No fights have happened since Lucifer moved out because it's just Anna, Michael, Cassie, and I and we all get along pretty well.

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