Do I have a Death Wish?

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*Sorry for the wait. My friend came over like 4 days ago and didn’t leave until today, so I had no time to write. But, I’ll try and keep a steady stream of chapters coming after this. Thanks for all the votes and comments! I love you guys!*

Gabe’s Point of View

“Dean, there’s no point to this game,” I say after he spent 10 minutes explaining the rules to ‘The Lava Game.’

“There doesn’t have to be a point! It’s fun,” he says with a smile.

“I guess…” I glance over to Sam and he is looking between Dean and Cas before looking back over at me. He stands up and grabs my hand, dragging me up with him. “Apparently we’re playing,” I tell them.

“That-a-boy Sammy,” Dean says with a huge smile. Cas and him jump onto the couch next to us. “Ready…Set...Go!” Dean yells before pushing Cas into Sam and I and jumping onto a chair. Luckily none of us fall and we share a look of pure revenge. We jump on objects quickly, trying to get to Dean. Once all of us are within reach of him we pounce. We knock him down and hurry to the stairs. “Sonovabitch,” he growls as we all get to the stairs at the same time before high fiving.

“Oh Dean…you lost again…awkward,” Cas teases.

“Wait you guys have played this before,” I laugh. Children.

“Yeah, and Cas cheats every time!” Dean snaps from the floor, while glaring at the three of us. “You guys can’t build an alliance. This is an every man for himself kind of game,” he whines.    

“You’re just mad you lost,” Cas smirks.

“You better be careful Cas, remember last time you thought you won?” Dean smirks.  

“What happened last time?” I ask as Dean stands up still glaring at Cas.

“He was a sore loser so he tickled me until I said he won,” Cas tells me as he takes a step up the stairs, farther away from Dean. To my surprise Sam steps in between Dean and Cas. He jumps on Dean and starts to tickle him. Dean tries to throw him off but once Cas and I realize what’s going on we join in. “Look who’s the ticklish one now,” Cas laughs.

“Get-off-me,” Dean yells between gasping for air and laughing. Sam is sitting on Dean’s chest holding his arms down as Cas sits on his legs and I tickle his stomach. The front door opens and we all freeze and look up.

“What are you idjits doing?” an older man, that I’ve never met before, says as he looks down at us.

“Bobby!! Save me!” Dean yells.

“You probably deserved it,” the man says before walking around us and into the kitchen.

“Traitor!” Dean yells as we continue the tickle torture.

“Are you done being an Assbutt?” Cas asks. I laugh at the choice of words and still my fingers so he can answer.

“Yes! Please stop,” he begs as he looks up at us with pleading eyes.

“Fine,” Cas says as we all get off of him. He doesn’t get up right away, but once he catches his breath he stands up and gives us a death glare before walking around us, to the kitchen. We follow close behind and when we walk in I see the old man, who came in earlier, sitting at the wooden table.

“Hey Bobby,” Dean says as he sits across from him, “I didn’t know you were coming back today. I hope it’s okay that we have some friends over.”  

“Yeah, it’s fine,” he says as he takes a sip of the glass of whiskey, in front of him.

“Well, this is Sam’s friend Gabe,” Dean explains as he points to me.

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