There's a New Sex God in Town

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*I am so sorry for updating so late! What happened was, I started reading the Destiel fan-fiction ‘Out of the Deep.’ I literally spent 3 days in my room and got like 4 hours of sleep a night. Seriously the longest Fan-fic ever. But, here I am with the next chapter (: Enjoy! Oh and by the way, this chapter is extra-long it’s my sorry for taking forever to upload!*

Dean’s Point of View

“Hey Bobby,” I say as I flop down onto the small couch in his office, “I’m going to a party tonight. Are you going to be home?”

“Yeah I should be here until tomorrow night,” he mumbles as he continues to flip through one of his old tattered books.

“Alright cool. Sam is probably going to stay upstairs and read or whatever,” I tell him.

“How’s he doing?” he asks as he glances up at me.

“Sam? He’s good. Gabe is helping him out a lot. More than I ever did…” I mumble the last part.

“Boy, don’t you talk like that,” Bobby snaps, “You did the best you could with what you had.”

“I guess…I don’t know. I’m just happy he met Gabe,” I smile at the thought.

“Yeah, Sam needed a friend. Hopefully he’ll start talking soon,” he says before looking back down at his book.

Before I can reply, one of the many phones on the wall behind Bobby’s desk starts ringing. “I got to get this. Close the door on your way out.” I get up and walk to the door. The phone continues to ring until the door shuts firmly and I hear Bobby answer it on the other side. He has to be a spy. No regular person has that many phones, not to mention the labels on them reading FBI, CDC, Health Dept., etc.

I roll my eyes and walk to the stairs before taking them two at a time and stopping in front of Sam’s room where he is laying on his stomach typing away at his computer. “Hey Sammy, I’m not going to be here tonight,” I tell him.

“Okay,” he says quietly without looking away from the screen. I nod to myself and walk to my room.

I jump onto my bed and pull out my phone. There is a message from Charlie so I turn onto my stomach and open it.

Your boy is impossible –Queen of Moons

I squint my eyes at the message in confusion.

My boy? –Dean  

Castiel. –Queen of Moons

I feel my cheeks turn a shade of red and I shake my head before replying.

What are you talking about Charlie? –Dean

He refuses to wear anything from the store we’re at. –Queen of Moons

It takes me a moment and about three more times reading her text to realize what she’s telling me.

You’re hanging out with Cas? Wait, you’re shopping?! Why? –Dean

Calm down Dean. I went over to his house after you dropped him off because we were going to get ready together. But, that kid has nothing to wear to a high school party. –Queen of Moons

I shake my head and type my reply quickly as I glare at my phone like she can see me.

What do you mean? What he wore to school will be fine. It’s not a fancy party. It’s at Benny’s house! –Dean

The Lost Voice: A Destiel/Sabriel StoryWhere stories live. Discover now