The Past Can Hurt

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*Computer!! YAY! Gosh, I never really appreciated spell check until I had to write on my IPOD, which doesn’t have spell check, for like a whole month. Anyways, guess what? SUMMER BREAK!!! You know what that means? UPDATES and lots of them (: I hope you guys are happy about that! Alright, now another chapter of The Lost Voice! ENJOY!*

Dean’s Point of View

“SAMMY!” I yell up the stairs when we all walk through Bobby’s front door. Sam stumbles out of his room and to the top of the stairs, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. His long hair is sticking up in every direction and he’s wearing a pair of grey sweats and a white T-shirt. “Were you sleeping?” I laugh. He glares at me before looking farther to the door where Gabe is standing with a lollipop sticking out from his lips. Sam smiles and-wait what the fuck? Sam just smiled! I look at him in surprise as he walks down the stairs and over to Gabe.

“Hey-a Sammich,” Gabe smiles when Sam nods. Cas and I look between them without saying anything. “So Dean-o, what’s for dinner?” he asks with a smile.

“What? Oh ah…I don’t know. Cas come help me?” I stutter before grabbing Cas’ arm and dragging him to the kitchen. “Dude, did you see that? Sammy smiled!” I say happily, once we’re out of ear shot of the two younger boys.

Cas smiles and laughs, “Yeah, I guess he likes Gabe,”

“Well, I knew that, I just didn’t know how much,” I smile before walking over to the fridge and opening it up, “What do you want to eat? We don’t have much but there’s somewhat of a selection.”

“I don’t care. I’m not picky,” he says as he walks over and sits at the kitchen table.

“Ummm…alright let’s see…we have Mac & Cheese, hot dogs, sandwiches, and grilled cheese,” I tell him.

“Why don’t we ask Gabe and Sam?” he suggests. I nod and walk out to the living room where Gabe and Sam are sitting on the old couch staring at each other. They aren’t saying anything or doing anything, just sitting there staring. They might be having a moment…should I interrupt? I mean, I kind of need to know what they want to eat…

“Hey guys, what do you want for dinner? We have Mac & Cheese, hot dogs, sandwiches, and grilled cheese,” I say with a hesitant smile. They both look up at me, Gabe with a smile and Sam with a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his mouth.

“Mac & Cheese?” Gabe asks Sam. He nods and Gabe turns back to me with a smile and a nod, “Mac & Cheese, thanks Dean-o.” I smile at the two and nod in understanding before turning back to the kitchen.

“What were they doing?” Cas asks when I walk over to the cabinets to grab a pot.

“Um, staring,” I say as I grab the two boxes of Mac & Cheese.

“Staring?” he says in a confused voice. I turn around and nod giving him a face that tells him that I think it’s as weird as it sounds.

The Lost Voice: A Destiel/Sabriel StoryWhere stories live. Discover now