Cheater, Cheater, Pumpkin Eater

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*Again, I wrote this on my I pod so sorry if there are any mistakes! I seriously love writing this fan-fic because Cas and Dean's relationship is my dream friendship with a guy. It makes me happy! I hope you guys like it too :) Well, that's it! Enjoy this next chapter!*

Chapter 5

Dean's Point of View

Cas and I walk over to the table where Benny, Charlie, and Bela are yelling about what football team is going to win this year. Well, Benny and Bela are, Charlie is just kinda staring into space. Probably thinking about Natalia Romanova or something. "Hey guys!" I say as we sit down.

"Hey buddy," Benny says with a smile as Bela winks at me. I've only been here for a few days and she's already flirting with me. I guess I have to give her props for trying.

Charlie is still staring into space so she hasn't said anything yet. I snap my fingers infront of her face and wave my hand back and forth before she slowly looks at me. Then, as if it took her awhile to come back to reality, she smiles, "Hey guys!"

I laugh and shake my head, "Guys Cas and I need your help."

"Sure," they all say.

"We need a plan to get my brother to start talking and being happy again. From what his journal says-" I start.

"You read his journal!" Charlie yells in disbelief.

"Ah yeah..." I say as I rub the back of my neck nervously.

"Dean!!" she yells, "don't ever do that again! That's personal!"

"Okay, okay! Sorry Mom," I mumble sarcastically, "anyways he talks about Cas' brother-"

"Aweeee!" Bela squeals.

"Yeah," I roll my eyes, "he wants to be friends with Gabe but we don't know how to get them to-"

"Hang out! That is so sweet of you!" Bela gushes.

"Uh, thanks," I say awkwardly, "but we need a plan."

"Well every plan needs a name!" Charlie jumps in, "what were their names?"

"Gabriel and Sam," Cas says with a smile.

"Hmmmm," she taps her chin with her pointer finger, "you guys talk about the plan and I'll think of a name!"

I laugh, "okay, so should we just have Gabe over and say he came with Cas? Or what?"

"Yeah, just have Gabe come home with you guys and tell them to hangout so you guys can do your project," Benny says.

"Yes! And then just keep bringing him with you everytime you go over to Dean's and Sam is there," Bela squeals at Cas.

"OPERATION SABRIEL!" Charlie yells randomly.

Everyone stops and turns to her, "operation what?" I ask.

"Sabriel! It's a ship name!" she explains.

"A ship name...what?" Benny asks.

"It's the names of two people that you want to be together made into one," she explains slower.

"Sab-what?" Cas asks.

"Ugh, you guys are ridiculous! SAB-RI-EL," she says slowly, "Sabriel. Gabriel and Sam the S.A. from Sam and B.R.I.E.L. from Gabriel!"

"Oh I get it!" Bela says happiley, "that's so cute!"

"But what does ships have to do with it?" Cas asks in a confused tone.

"Ship. As in relationship. You see those two people in a realtionship," she says with a smile, "the relationship can be friends but also a romantic relationship. Ship is short for relationship."

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