Start of a War

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*Thank you to all of those who comment, vote, or just read my fanfiction! Without you guys there would be no story! I love you guys! Hope I’m not uploading too much.  But, here’s your next Chapter!*

Dean’s Point of View

"Deaaannnnnnnn, mannn,” Benny laughs as I walk up to our usual lunch table, tray in hand, “Skinny dipping?” I groan and fall on to the bench before putting my head in my hands.

"Seriously, things spread fast in this school. It happened yesterday and I wasn’t even here to tell anyone!” I whine.

He laughs and shakes his head, “I didn’t come yesterday either. I had to clean my house. It was trashed!”

“Well yeah,” I laugh, “You had to of had a killer hangover, I mean when I left you were debating with Garth about if the chandelier could hold your wait.”

“Yeah, good thing we decided not to test that,” he shakes his head. I laugh but before I can say anything else Charlie runs up and slides onto the bench next to me, almost knocking me off.

“What’s up bitches,” she smiles. I roll my eyes and push her back so I’m not halfway hanging off.

“So where’s Novak?” Benny asks, “Don’t you and him have class together before this?”

“Yeah, Bela was waiting for him outside of our classroom so he went with her somewhere. I don’t fukking know,” I growl.

“Whoa, a little touchy there Dean?” Benny laughs, “And why would he be with Bela?”

“How did you hear about me skinny dipping but not the new ‘it couple’?!” I yell.

“They aren’t the ‘it couple’ Dean. Everyone knows that, that’s Lisa and Matthew,” Charlie says as she takes a bite of her apple.

“That’s not the point,” I snap.

“Ahhhhhh, I see what’s going on here,” Benny smirks. I tense up and Charlie stills her chewing.

“What?” I ask quickly.

“Bela and Cas start dating and you,” he points to me, “don’t like it because she’s stealing your best friend.” I sigh and Charlie takes another bite of her apple.

“Yeah…” I lie.

“Don’t even worry about it man,” he reaches across the table and slaps my shoulder, “Cas won’t stop hanging out with you just because he’s got a girl with him now. I can tell that he’s not like that.” I nod and take a bite of my burger.

“So you heared about how Dean went skinny dipping?” Charlie asks Benny.

“You’re the one that has been telling everyone!? It’s not even that funny!” I complain.

“Yeah, but your reaction whenever someone talks about it is,” she smirks before patting my red cheek and turning back to a laughing Benny. Cas walks up holding two trays and sets them in front of the other bench next to me. Bela walks up and sits on the side of the bench farthest from me and Cas sits next to the side closest to be.

“Hey Dean,” Cas smiles.

“Hey Ca-” I start.

“Cassie,” Bela complains, “You didn’t get me a water.”

“Oh I’m sorry,” Cas says in an apologetic voice.

She waves her hand in a shooing motion, “make sure it’s a smart water.” He gets up and walks back to the doors that go inside the cafeteria.

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