Relationships...OR NAH

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*Still writing on my stupid I pod so sorry for my spelling! I know this fan-fic is really heavy on Destiel but that's just how it's going to be. Sabriel will still be a part of it, as you can see the title says Destiel/Sabriel! But Destiel is my OTP so it's just easier for me to write about. I don't mean for it to happen, it just does. But....anyways, here's the next chapter my lovely readers!*

Chapter 6

Gabe' Point of View

"Hey Sam!" I smile as I sit down next to him. He looks up at me and nods before looking back down at his book. Man he reads a lot, doesn't he. "Dude, I was watching this show, Supernatural, last night and one of the characters looked like you but older!" I tell him. He doesn't look up so I continue, "his name is Keith and he travels around America killing stuff with his brother Thean! Thean kinda looks like your brother. It freaked me out!" He glances up at me with a blank look before going back to his book. "Anyways, if you want to join a club you should totally join Candy Club. I'm president! It's fun we eat candy and like talk about candy," I say with a smile. I can't see his face but I swear I hear him laugh. Not like a huge laugh but like a chuckle breath kinda thing. No, I probably imagened it....I mean he hasn't even smiled let alone laugh!

Dean's Point of View

I walk into my english class and see Charlie leaning over her desk, totally hitting on a blonde girl that sits in front of us. I shake my head and take my seat next to her. "Just text me and we'll hang out this weekend. Trust me, I'll show you a good time," she says before winking at the girl. She giggles and nods as Charlie turns to me. "Hey Winchester," she says with a huge smile that just reads, 'I'm gonna get laid bittchhh.'

I laugh and shake my head, "Hey Bradbury."

"Don't judge! You wish you could be this smooth with the ladies," she smirks.

I laugh and nod, "you're right." She laughs and puts her feet up on my desk before blowing a huge bubble with her gum. I shove her feet off when the teacher walks in so I can put my books down. She gives me a dirty look and grabs her books from her backpack.

"That was rude," she grumbles. I stick my tongue out at her and she returns the favor before putting up her middle finger.

"Alright class," Dr. Who starts. Yes, my teacher was a doctor so he still likes to be called that. And yes his last name is Who. I know funny huh. "Today we're talking about Scott Fitzgerald. Yepp you guessed it, we'll be reading 'The Great Gatsby.' It's a great book, you'll love it," he says before leaving to grab the cart full of books from the library.

"So has Sabriel happened yet?" Charlie asks with a smile.

"No, but I think Gabe is coming over today," I tell her.

"You have to tell me what happens," she says.

I grab my pack of gum for my back pocket and stick a piece in my mouth before answering, "yeah sure."

"Okay class let's get started!! Bring up your ID and I will check you out a book!" Dr. Who says with a wide smile. Ugh, he is way to happy about reading a stupid book.

"Wait, isn't there a movie for this book?" I whisper to Charlie.

"Yepp, want to come over and watch it with me on Saturday?" She asks with a smirk.

"You read my mind," I smile back.


Cas, Gabe, and I walk towards the Impala after school. What's Sammy's reaction going to be? Will he be mad? Should've I let him deal with this by himself. No, I'm not even getting in it that much. I'm just giving them a little push it the right direction. I'm doing good not bad. I just miss my baby brother; I want him to be happy.

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