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*Another Chapter! :) This Fan-Fiction is so much fun to write! I love all your comments thank you so much. <3 Alright well, I hope you like this chapter! *

Chapter 3

Gabriel's Point of View

“ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!” I yell as I walk through my front door. I fling my backpack into the hall closet and parade into the living room, where she is curled up on the couch watching The Carrie Diaries. I probably shouldn't interrupt her because she will most likely kill me but... “ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAA BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNAAAAAAANNNNNAAA!!!” I screech, trying to get her to pay attention to me.

She pauses her show and slowly turns to me, “What a brave little ant you are.”

I smirk, “Oh, I'm sorry did I interrupt your show? Please forgive me, I give you my most sincere apology.”

“Now you sound like Cassie,” she laughs, “speaking of him, where is he?” She looks past me to the hall way and gives me a questioning look.

“Ha! He didn't tell you?” I smirk at her again, “He's at a friend's house. They're doing a “History Project.” I do quotation marks around history project and wink at her.

“Cassie has friends!?” she jokes, “Since when?”

“It's the new kid. I guess he decided to be social today,” I tell her. But, seriously good for Cassie. That Dean guy is a HOT piece of ass, but I prefer the younger Winchester. He has that whole innocent vibe going on.

“Ha, good maybe this kid will help him remove that stick up his ass,” she laughs.

“Or he'll put something else up his ass,” I wink at her before dodging the beige pillow that she throws at my face.

“GABRIEL! DON'T YOU DARE TALK LIKE THAT,” she yelps, but I can tell that she is biting the inside of her cheek, trying not to smile.

“You know I'm right! Cassie is as straight as a rainbow,” I laugh as I jump onto the couch next to her.

“We are in no place to judge. If he likes boys more than girls, good for him. We will support him either way,” she says in a stern voice.

I hold up my hands in surrender, “Hey, I'm not saying he can't! I prefer the disco sticks more than the alternative too.”

“Gabe. I seriously didn't need that image,” she whines.

I laugh and look down at my lap, my smile fades fast, “Anna can I ask you something?”

“Sure, what is it?” she asks, concern laced in her voice.

“Um, am I a loveable person?” I ask her quietly.

She looks at me with a confused expression, “Well Gabe, ah yes you are...You always bring light to every bad situation. For example, if I have a bad day, you always make me laugh no matter how much I try not to. What's this about?”

“There's this new kid at my school, he doesn't talk to anyone. I tried to get him to talk to me today, but he wouldn't. Now I'm determined to be his friend and get him to talk to me. I just don't know how,” I tell her before looking up so I can read her facial expression.

She looks at me lovingly, “You can't force someone to talk. A lot of people who don't speak have had a very tragic or life changing experience happen in there life, you have to respect that. I'm not saying you shouldn't be his friend or try to talk to him, just be aware that something must have happened to him and it will be hard.”

I smile at her and nod, “So I should continue to talk to him?”

“Yeah, why not?” she smiles, “Even if he doesn't talk back, just tell him things. You never know, he might enjoy it, even if he's not ready to reply. Does that make sense?”

“Yeah, I think. Thanks Anna I will try it,” I say before giving her a hug.

“Yeah yeah, no problem. Now get out so I can finish my show before Michael comes home and steals the remote,” she laughs. I get up and walk to my room as I take out my phone and find Cassie's number.

How's the date bro? -Trickster

Gabriel. It is not a date. Dean and I are just friends, working on a history project. ~C

Uh huh. Surrrreeee, just make sure you use protection. -Trickster


I laugh as I imagine how red Cassie's face probably was when Dean read that text. Man, I bet it was priceless. Not to mention how he must have been stuttering when he tried to explain! I am the best little brother ever.

Dean's Point of View

When I come back from the bathroom Cas is on his phone. I sneak up behind him, about to try and scare him, but my curiosity gets the best of me. I glance at the text that he is reading, Uh huh. Surrrreeee, just make sure you use protection. -Trickster

I know exactly what the text means but I decide to mess with Cas a bit. “What do you need protection for?” I ask him, trying not to laugh.

“What!” he squeaks and presses his lock screen button quickly. I walk back over to my chair and sit down with a smirk.

“Your text,” I state, before picking up my pencil and continuing the notes that I was in the middle of when I left.

When I look up at him he is bright crimson, “My little brother...he's just messing with me.”

“Messing with you? I don't understand,” I say with an innocent look. I know I'm evil. I am embarrassing the poor boy making him explain that his brother thinks we're going to have sex, but it's just to funny not to!

“Uh, he just wants me to use protection...if I walk home in the dark. He knows I hate it so he is picking on me,” he says quickly. Okay, now I feel bad for the kid. He sucks at making excuses.

I hold back from laughing, “I will give you a ride! Don't worry about it.”

“Thank you Dean,” he says as he goes back to typing on his phone.

I take him home at around seven. “So Cas, you wanna come over tomorrow again?” I ask before he gets out.

“Sure Dean. Goodbye.” I watch him walk inside before pulling away and heading home.

When I get inside, I jog up the stairs and into Sammy's room, “Hey Sammy, how was your day at school?”

“Fine,” he mumbles quietly. At least I got an answer this time.

“That's good!” I say, “well, I have to go make dinner so I'll call you when it's done. Is mac&cheese okay?” He nods and picks up one of Bobby's books that he has been reading. He is reading those books all the time, I guess if that's what makes him happy...I just don't get it, books and reading? How can you find joy in that?

Gabriel's Point of View

“Hey Samwich!” I bounce into first period and over to my seat next to him. He looks up from his book and gives me a confused look, “So whatchya reading?” He looks down at his book then back up at me with a hesitant glint in his eyes. To my surprise he hands his book over to me. “So you like monsters?” I ask as I flip through the ancient paper with pictures of vampires, werewolfs, and other unfamiliar creatures. “That's cool,” I say as I hand the book back to him.

He goes back to reading, “You want a sucker?” He doesn't look up from his book so I just stick the sweet candy back into my pocket. At least I made some kind of progress today. It was more than I expected from him in the first place.

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