Chapter 7

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"Anna Walters can I have your autograph please?" asks a little girl running up to me.

I stop walking and take off my sunglasses and smile at the little girl. I have always had a soft spot for my young fans. I kneel down in the middle of the walkway and take the paper and pen from her. she smiles a no-front-teeth smile.

"What's your name?" I say nicely smiling.

"Emily." she says shyly

"Or really, one if my sister's name is Emily." I say writing on the paper.

Thanks for being a fan! I will always love you Emily!

- Anna Walters

I give it back to her.

"Thank you"she says

She stands there for a moment and then throws her little arms around me. I hug her back before she runs away to her waiting family.

I stand back up, put my sunglasses back on and then walk over to my gate for my private plane. (The perks of being me. :) )


I climb onto my plane after waiting for 30 min. I lean my head on the window and almost immediately fall asleep.


Someone is annoyingly tapping my shoulder. I open my eyes and see my pilot, Joe.

"Um miss we have arrived at Newton,Kentucky*." he says

" Oh um thank you." I stand up unbuckling my seat belt.

"Would you like me to unload the luggage?" he asks politely

"Um yes please." I say.

I get off the plane. the rolling grassy hills are still the same as the last time I was here. I inhale the smell of the grass, flowers, and elm trees. the main industry in Newton is timber. newton is a tiny town where everyone knows everyone and there business. I walk down the steps of the plane to the runway pavement. I put my hands in my coat pockets because it's starting to get chilly. I look up at the beautiful blue sky. How could I ever leave this place?


*newton Kentucky is not a real place. I made it up.

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