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Carrington Hill

Being in silence was something I enjoyed at times whether I was by myself or with someone who I felt comfortable with. But as my ass was sitting in Harry's car on the way to my hometown all my mind seemed to wish for was the journey to be quick and easy with no other cars or possible traffic on the motorway.

At the beginning it was alright, nothing too serious but then the air between us thickened and if one of us would have had a knife we would have been able to cut through the stuffy atmosphere in the car. In certain moments I actually considered rolling the window down because it was getting hard to handle but I stopped myself from actually doing so.

I had the tendency to be really dramatic in case you haven't noticed yet.

"I have to fill up the car quick, do you want anything?" his voice was deep and slow as he unbuckled his belt and asked me the question.

"No, I'm good, thanks," I said not looking at him but focusing my attention on the screen of my phone.

He didn't say anything to that just got out and shut the door a bit rougher than he probably intended to. It made me jump a little bit in my seat and I inhaled deeply as I closed my eyes for a few seconds.

His mood was rubbing off on me and it also started to piss me off. I understood that he was tired and sort of hurt that I rejected him but for fuck's sake I can't force myself to go on a date with him if I'm not feeling 100% now can I? If I was to do that he'd be pissy with me because I wouldn't enjoy myself and then he'd also feel like shit for not making the date fun and exciting.

And yeah I might have handled the situation badly but it literally caught me off guard and I had no idea what to say. To be fair, I thought he was messing around and so when I said no he got upset and I knew he legitimately wanted to go out. I'm not exactly sure how he planned that out so quickly but that was the situation.

A few moments later he came back and sat in his seat, put the seatbelt on and he started the car. When a deep sigh left my mouth I felt his eyes looking at me, it basically pierced through my skin and I was about to say something when he turned his head back to face the road.

"Have you, um, decided to go to that competition this weekend then?" he asked me which surprised me for a couple of reasons. One being the fact that he remembered and the second is that he talked to me.

I thought he was gonna keep a straight face and just drive until he could get rid of me.

"No," I told him truthfully. It wasn't just my decision, if Alex didn't want to go for some reason I had to compromise with that. He had to compromise with me a lot too so it was only fair if I did the same to him.

"Oh," Harry mumbled and seemed as though he didn't know how to carry on with the conversation.

I didn't know what to talk about either and to be completely honest I wasn't even sure if I wanted to talk to him. Well, I did, but I was still off about the situation that he created back at his house.

"Can we, um, not be like this?" he asked me quietly and I looked at him. His side profile was stunning, his sharp jawline, prominent cheekbones, pointed nose and plump lips amazed me every time and it was truly a great sight to see.

"What do you mean like this?"

"You know exactly what I mean."

"No, I really do not know what you mean," I bickered. "You have an attitude and not me. When you decide to drop it we won't have to 'be like this'," I said. Harry huffed and hit the steering wheel a little.

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