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Harry Styles

Luck was definitely on my side that day. Everything went as I planned it, more so hoped that would happen. Mr and Mrs Hill were in the venue with Lesley and Harrison, Vlad was there too. Mia, Aiden and Liam were a complete and utter surprise, but I didn't mind it. I was really happy they could come as well.

I was nervous. Like, really fucking nervous.

Not just because it was something people usually get nervous about but also because I was going all out. Like, massively all out.

The whole fucking world was going to see it and I could only hope and pray that it wasn't going to be a bloody mess. And I didn't even have much time left to do that.

No one fucking told me the honour dance was a few minutes long so when I heard the music fading and the one starting, Alex and Carrington were already bowing. And then I had to fucking sprint. As quietly and as non-attention-catchingly as I could. 

Alex literally fucked off as soon as he let Carrington go on her own to spin around and I wasn't even sure how close I should go behind her. I mean I did stop at some point and got right down on one knee, my hand shoved through my hair that fell on my sweaty forehead and licked my lips.

I was nervous. Like, really fucking nervous.

Carrington turned around then and her face gave back nothing but pure shock. Shock that I couldn't exactly understand. Was she happy? Was she sad? Was she just... shocked?

I went with the third one when she put her hands in front of her mouth. I swear even her eyes teared up. Or it might have been just mine. I'm not sure.

"Hey," I heard a quiet voice from my right so I snapped my head to that side. Alex stood there with a mic in his hand. Right. Completely forgot about that.

Once it was in my hand, I checked if it was on. And then I knew I had to get on with it. But I kind of froze.

"Uh, hello, everyone," I laughed like the nervous wreck I was. "So, Carrington. First of all, congratulations, my love. I knew you could do it. I always have faith in you, no matter what we're talking about. But, uh, right now I'm just here to pretty much ask you to spend the rest of your life with me. I thought long and hard about this and when I had most of the things under control, I just needed you to win. And you did just that. So, thank you for contributing to my plans and helping it to work out."

Laughter filled the room after my short ramble. I stopped so I could take a breath and calm down slightly. I didn't wish to make a fool out of myself in front of everyone... her family. My future family.

"I have no speech prepared whatsoever, I thought I'd be able to just talk on the spot but to be really honest, I'm kind of struggling. You look pretty darn amazing and it's-, you are taking my breath away. You have all day. You're just so stunning, you know? Inside and out. And I love you, as well. Like a lot. So this is why I'm making a fool out of myself right now. Because I love you. You already said that, idiot."

That made the audience laugh again, although it wasn't my intention to get that recation out of them. They weren't even meant to hear the last bits.

But I was nervous. Like, really fucking nervous.

"So, all I really have left to ask is one thing. Carrington Hill, my little champion, will you please save me from further embarrassing myself in front of everyone and marry me?"

I was kind of waiting for the dramatic pause between my question and her answer but there was nothing like that. I couldn't even get my words out fully before she ran towards me and wrapped her arms around my neck. My whole heart calmed down a little when I felt her close to me, engulfed in a tight hug with her sobbing in my neck.

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