:Chapter 8:

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This morning my alarm went off and I nearly got ready for school. Until I reminded myself it was the summer and that I had graduated. Now an hour later I was sitting at the dining table with a big bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios.

The sun was beginning to rise casting it's warm glow down on the ground. 'I wonder what Isabella is doing right now.' My eyes shifted to the clock on the wall. 'Probably asleep in bed.' It was 6:23. There was no way Isabella was up by now.

She was like a zombie the first few periods of school. Except without the whole eating brains mojo. That wasn't something that anyone needed. A brain eating, weapon wielding Isabella. No one would be safe at that point. 'I bet we would.' Ash was determined that Isabella would spare us if that happened.

'She might even turn us and we can live our undead ever after.' Very smooth. I finished up my bowl of cheerios before dumping the milk in the sink and hiking back up the stairs to my bedroom. I fed the fish in my bed. My bed had an aquarium part making it look cool.

My bed was also memory foam. Both cool and soft. After that I got back on my bed and looked around my room. I was bored now and had no idea what to do. Wasn't in the mood to go on a run and mostly everyone was sleeping.

I looked up at the ceiling in my room. 'The ceiling is so interesting isn't it?' 'Got anything else better to do besides going back to sleep?'  'I'm not tired.' 'Then hush.' Ash grumbled at me but complied and stayed quiet. Sucking in a deep breath I forced myself up and turned on the lights.

The lights were bright but my eyesight adjusted to the lights quickly. What to do now? My eyes drifted around the room and landed on some book. I guess reading couldn't kill me. Snatching it up got on my bed before letting myself settle in.
I read that book for three hours before everyone started getting up. Nico was the first one and up and checked if I was awake. He was followed by Angel. 'I swear her head has a mental alarm clock to get up after Nico does.' Ash wasn't lying there.

But then went Andrew who only stayed for breakfast before driving off to Orchid's. I'm pretty sure he is gonna move in there when he finishes college. Orchid wouldn't mind either as she was always eager for him to arrive and help her out around her wooden house. Then Rory got up followed by Max, Noah and Alex.

My dad had left for his office an hour after I had gotten up. After all my brothers were up my mom got up and fed Isaac. 'Isaac is eating both regular food and baby food.' Isaac was almost a year old by now.

Since he was a werewolf he'd mature faster than normal babies. Isadora would too. She'd stop breast feeding earlier than most babies, reach baby food faster and real food faster. Her brain would develop faster too. Around seventeen werewolves could start drinking. My seventeenth birthday Rory took me out to a bar.

Werewolves didn't get drunk easily. It took a lot of alcohol to get a werewolf drunk. 'But it still can happen sometimes.' 'I wonder if Rory  has gotten drunk?' 'Might of.' I shrugged it off as I got out of bed. Down in the kitchen everyone was getting breakfast and my mom was feeding Isaac cereal.

Isaac preferred to play in his food then eat it. "You eat?" Nico asked. "I've been up." I responded as I went to the kitchen and grabbed myself a Gatorade before coming back. Angel was watching me as she ate her Reece's Puffs.

Nico smiled at her as the two finished their cereal. "Mom, Angel and I are going out to catch a movie." Nico said. "Isn't it early?" Our mom asked. "There is a laser tag places there and an arcade. We'll be entertained." Nico said as he grabbed his keys and motioned for Angel to follow him.

"Have fun." My mom called out. 'I want to take Isabella to the movies now.' 'Ok.' 'We should go over and ask her out to do something today.' I looked over at the keys rack that held everyone's keys. It couldn't hurt to go and stop by at Isabella's.

Going up I grabbed my Lamborghini keys. "I'm going to go to Isabella's." I told my mom. "Ok. Have fun." My mom replied. With that I went out to my car and got in before firing it up and taking off to Isabella's place feeling happy about going there.

But this weird feeling came into me. I wasn't sure why. But when I pulled into Isabella's it was still there. Ignoring it I got out and went up to the door and knocked. Derik ended up opening it and a little bit of jealousy went through me but I reminded myself they were only friends.

Nothing more.

"What's up?" Derik asked leaning against the door. "Is Isabella here?" I asked. "Yeah but we are kind of busy right now. Can you come back later?" Derik asked. "What are you doing?" I asked catching a hint of a shirtless Lucas followed by Enyr.

'I swear to Artemis.' I cut Ash off. They weren't doing anything. A few moments later Isabella came down the stairs putting a black shirt on. 'She was shirtless!' Derik glanced over. "Who is it?" Isabella asked. "Dalton." Derik said moving from the door. Isabella came up as Derik walked away.

She was in leather pants and a black work-out shirt. She didn't seem to be breathless or anything. 'See I told you.' Ash calmed down slightly. "What are you doing here?" Isabella asked. "I. Are you doing anything today?" I asked. Isabella looked behind. "Yeah. Why?" Isabella asked.

"Never mind then." I murmured disappointed. "What?" Isabella asked. "What are you doing today?" I asked. Isabella looked at everyone before motioning me inside. "We are going on a group hunt for the culerba before they strike." Isabella said. 'Why is she going so soon. I don't want her to get hurt.' I ignored Ash.

Telling Isabella not to go was like having a conversation with a wall. "Oh. How long will that take?" I asked. "Don't know. I'll call you when I'm finished then I'll see if I have anything planned." Isabella said as she stood in the doorway.

My eyes drifted to her leather pants. "Isn't it a little hot?" I asked. Isabella rolled her eyes. "Yes but it's for the hunt." Isabella said. I nodded. "I'll see you later then." I told her with a smile. Isabella surprisingly returned it. "Bye Dalton." Isabella said before closing the door.

As I went back I could see her hovering in the window. 'Look she cares about us but she doesn't need to watch us walk back.' 'Simply making sure we get back fine.' 'We are werewolves.' Being that didn't protect my safety that day. Before I could respond I was shoved into the car and something then bit me and pain raced up me.

My eyesight got blurry and I caught a hint of the culerba. Then the door came busting open and as I went down I heard Isabella screaming my name then gunshots.

1233. So yeah. Dalton got jealous and thought Derik was making moves on Isabella. He wasn't. They were preparing for a hunt. Little did they know the hunt was brought to them. Until next time hunting marshmallows.

 Until next time hunting marshmallows

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