:Chapter 29

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"Now just pull it then aim at the target and release." Lucas said as I pulled back the string of the bow. It was a  fifteen pound one. It was alright to pull back but I haven't shot the bow in awhile. I released the arrow which flew into the target.

I smiled as it hit the outside of the red. 'Good since you haven't practiced in awhile. Back in my time bows were common. Sometimes we'd light the end in fire which would burn them. So beautiful.' Lucas nodded as he picked up a bow.

He docked and arrow before shooting it. He walked along shooting arrow after arrow. Lucas put Katniss to shame. Lucas however specialized in the bow and had moved onto the crossbow which he aced in. Lucas was just good at that compared to guns just like I was good with guns and alright with a bow.

I'd prefer my pistol to the end. 'But a good hunter most know how to wield numerous weapons.' I could wield my daggers which I did to take people out stealthily. "And that's how a pro does it." Lucas said moving some of his blonde hair.

Enyr was sitting down at the shooting range we had head out to. A hunter owned shooting range of course. "Old Victor is going to The Gathering." Lucas said as he put his bow around his back before getting his crossbow. "Not surprised." I answered.

"He'll be in a wheelchair trying to take down people." Lucas said as he began shooting his crossbow. My eyes slid to my pistols which sat longingly with Enyr. My dagger was in my boot so I had that at least. 'But you miss your pistols and just want to light up this range with your nice shooting skills.'

There were a few other hunters here. Like always they too were talking about The Gathering and what weapons to bring. Finding a hunter going into public events without a weapon was rare. Going to a hunter event meant they were either stupid or weren't really hunters.

No hunters left without weapons. They'd go with daggers just to be safe on the outside. I always had my dagger on me and a gun in the car. What kind of gun depended on my mood. Ever since the wendigo event I kept a flare gun with me.

'Wendigos typically live in Canada and Minnesota.' 'We are near Canada. You can never be too safe.' Satan rolled his eyes but didn't argue. "Back to it Isabella." Lucas said and I wanted to yell at him but picked up the bow and began shooting once again.

I could feel hunters staring at us. Also them talking about us. "Isn't she young to be doing hunting like this?" One of them said. I was young. I started extremely young like Derik did. But Victor trained Derik and I. Lucas had training by his family and did it in order on how a family based hunter is suppose to be trained.

My training was suppose to start a year after my parents were killed. They'd teach me how to wield small weapons like daggers. Then they'd move up to BB's and pellets. But not as fast as I had gone.

Victor found it essential I know how to defend myself. Especially if those rogues came back to finish me off and someone wasn't there. In the end those rogues did come back but I finished them off. I killed the rogue who killed my parents while slaughtering the pack he had been building with some hybrids.

'You did quite good in that situation in my opinion.' 'It was closure.' Satan shook his head but laughed at me. I continued to shoot and release until Lucas said we'd pack it up for the say. I put the bow back in it's casing and handed it to Enyr.

I put the pistols back in their spot. In the holsters I had bought myself at my thighs. We walked out and a few hunters stared at us until I gave them a mean look and they went back to the shooting range. Derik was in the SUV van.

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