:Chapter 34:

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My eyes shifted over to Isabella who laid on the couch peacefully. Maryse laid near her on the floor with her eyes closed. If a sound was made Maryse would on alert prepared to attack and defend her owner. I stayed right by Isabella's side thinking over the events.

That damn succubus nearly raped me. Isabella lost her shit over that. 'It means she cares and was jealous. Imagine what is happening to that succubus if she has her. Oh she'd probably wish she was dead and never thought of even seducing us.' 'You're probably right.'

I leaned back against the couch. Hopefully Isabella would be done soon. I didn't like the feeling of being in this hotel room all alone. With nothing but Maryse; alright company and Isabella's unconscious body. So far nothing had attacked and I didn't plan to let anything attack Isabella's body at all. This could be all related.

Lucas said it himself. They had been targeting Isabella and two have already targeted me. Maybe the succubus thought that if she was my first it'd drive Isabella psycho. Well she went psycho without it even working with the rape.

My eyes shifted over back to Isabella. I wonder where Lucas is? Is he in hell with Isabella? I'd be asking who was in hell with Isabella when she wakes up, I was a bit curious. 'Well I bet Satan is there along with Lilith and the succubus. That's all I can think of as I am not the most educated in demons.'

I nodded. Maryse opened her red eyes and got up and on the couch and put her head surprisingly in my lap. I smiled at her and scratched behind her ear. Maryse was pretty when she had her more solid form on.

I mean Maryse was always pretty but right now she looked like a German Shepherd with red eyes. Maryse looked at the door and began to growl causing me to scoot closer to Isabella out of a mating instinct to protect my mate. I had way more instincts going on right now and Ash wanted me to stop fighting them.

My body said to shift and stand guard over Isabella's body in a defensive posture. Ash also wanted to mate but I shoved that down the moment Ash brought it up. 'I'd rather stand guard then mate to her unconscious body.' 'I want her and don't want her to be hurt.'

'Just focus on keeping her safe.' Ash went on guard as footsteps came up to the door and Maryse began growling more before going still and disappearing. "Yes leave me here with the unconscious Isabella to protect until my last dying breath." I said sarcastically.

There was a knock at the door. "Room service." A voice said. I looked at Isabella and ran a hand through her hair. She'd hit me if she was awake. I got up and bent down near her. "Don't worry I won't let anyone hurt you." I told her before kissing her forehead.

Her skin was so soft. But I got up and smiled at her before going to the door and looking through the peephole. 'Now remember this could be a demon trying to get in at any moment. If it happens slam the door shut, lock it and call for backup, either our parents or her side.'

I nodded before opening the door. A male employee stood there with a table on wheels with an arrangement of food. Some sort of steak loin along with fruit and vegetables. Alarms went off immediately upon seeing that food.

Never once have I seen Isabella eat a steak much less one that big. "Room service for Isabella Knight." He said wheeling in the table. "She's sleeping." I told him. "I'll leave the table here. Boyfriend?" He asked. "Something like that. How much is it?" I asked as I got my wallet out wanting to get rid of him.

I didn't like how close he was to Isabella. It set off alarms making me want to attack him and rip his throat out. "About forty dollars." He said. "For that?" I asked in disbelief. "From the best butcher shop in town." He said with pride.

"We don't want it." I said. "It's not your choice. Wake her up." He said. "Isabella needs beautyrest." I said instantly. 'She needs to discuss things in hell.' The guy clenched his fists before hitting me sending me flying across the room. A tail whirled out and slammed down on the food sending it flying everywhere.

"My sister failed. I won't." He said walking up to Isabella. Before he could do anything Maryse had appeared and grabbed his leg before yanking him down tearing through it. A green wolf appeared and joined in followed by a purple one and the three took down the incubus who fought hard.

I could feel my body forcing it's shift on before I stood in wolf form. On instinct I trotted up and tore some of his throat out before getting up on the couch. I rested my head on the end before looking at Isabella then the three of them dragging of the incubus.

Well two Maryse laid down in front of the couch. She looked at me with a look approval which made me feel happy that she wasn't disappointed. 'We wouldn't let Isabella get hurt or raped. She is after all our mate.'

Isabella jolted up randomly making me jump awake and turn towards her. "Why do I smell steak?" Isabella asked looking around the room as Maryse got up on the couch with her. I got down and to my clothes before shifting back and dressing back. "Incubus tried to get to you and Ferrell, Magenta, Maryse and I defended you." I told her.

Isabella sighed before getting up. "How'd things go?" I asked. "She is having her energy drained then used as a playtoy for the incubus for a week then will be executed. I get to do it too." Isabella said running a hand through her hair.

'I bet she insisted on being the one to execute her considering the succubus tried to rape us. That means she cares about us.' 'Let me guess a step in us becoming Isabella's boyfriend?' 'Did you see her when we told her about it. Red hot jealousy was what she was feeling. You could see it in her face.'

I nodded. "So what is this crappy meal all about?" Isabella asked. "He tried to sneak in by pretending to be room service. When I tried to send him away he threw me into a wall and went over to you," I started.

Isabella nodded. "Then the three of them attacked him and I joined in after my shift forced itself through." I said offering a small smile to her. "Well that's nice to know. So you're not hurt?" Isabella asked. "I'm fine my back might ache but it will go away." I told her.

Isabella nodded. "You can go now unless you want to stay." Isabella said unsurely. "I'll stay for a little. Can I see what you are wearing for The Gathering?" I asked. "No. You'll see it when I got to pick you up." Isabella said before going to the kitchen.

Flimur stood there. 'He was there the entire time.' "Don't be shocked. Flimur isn't really a fighter and I don't want incubus for dinner either so be happy he didn't join." Isabella said as if she had read my mind. "Facial expressions." Isabella said as Flimur fixed up his portable house he had brought with.

"But feel free to do whatever you want. I'm gonna go finish a painting." Isabella said. "Can I watch you?" I asked. "If you want just don't hover over my shoulder. It distracts me." Isabella said before going off to the room with Maryse following hot on her heels. Don't forget me either.

1302. So a fight and The Gathering is approaching and the ending of this book. So I will be back on schedule here soon. But that's all. Until next time gathering marshmallows.

 Until next time gathering marshmallows

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