:Chapter 30:

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"Only one year now." Noah said as he looked up from a notebook. "And I will enjoy every moment of torture you go through." Rory said. "I doubt my mate will be that bad. She'll probably be just a normal she-wolf nothing intense. Mates match each other." Rory said.

"They complete each other. The goal is to keep each mate happy and to do things they shouldn't." I corrected Noah. 'The look on his face when you told him that.' Noah and Rory were arguing over the subject of mates and it was getting quite annoying.

"Have you found yours yet?" Noah asked. "No but I bet I'll find mine before you find yours." Noah said with a smirk. "Keep tell yourself that." Noah said. Rory rolled his eyes. The two were so immature sometimes it was sad. Noah cracked his knuckles before looking around the room.

We were in our parents hotel room. 'They are out grocery shopping.' Minor grocery shopping mostly as we were to be here for at least a week or two. We had The Hunters Gathering then my dad said he had to renew the alliance with The Organization.

I was suppose to go with him for when I became Alpha I'd see what would be in store. My mother was going with two as Luna. 'Maybe Isabella will be interested in going as she will be the Luna of our pack.' 'I don't see her being interested right now.' Ash rolled his eyes but didn't argue.

Isabella had her hands full with demons. I wasn't about to go throw the responsibilities of a Luna on her. We weren't even dating yet either. An Alpha couldn't just declare a Luna either, a Luna was the Alpha's mate.

'They take the position after the Alpha takes his position or marks her.' Luna's were only females. It was the female version of an Alpha except Luna's are made Alpha's are born. My mom was a rare type of Luna. She was an Alpha who accepted the Luna position instead making her quite the Luna.

Black Crescent Moon had crawled up the ranks of the werewolf pack. The Alpha and Luna was originally all Blackwolf but now the Luna was a Whitewolf but still originals. Rumor went around quick and the strength got Black Crescent Moon in the top packs of North America and the best in the US.

Max was in the room to working on something. "What are you working on?" I asked. Max looked over. "An essay for school." Max murmured. "School hasn't even started." Rory told him. "Well unlike you I tend to like to get my things done instead of rushing on the last day." Max said.

Rory rolled his eyes. 'It looks to be gang up on Rory day. Shall we participate on this lovely day.' 'Mhm.' "Don't be too hard on Rory, his brain is sometimes too small to understand things. Thick skull small brain." I said with a smile.

Noah snickered and Max bit his lip holding in laughter. Rory gave me a dull look and I gave him an angelic smile. Rory rolled his eyes and I smirked before pulling out my phone and laying down in bed. I scrolled through my messages and stopped at one from Isabella and raised an eyebrow.

There were numerous colored middle finger emoji. That was quite something. 'Is she telling us fuck off. We haven't even done anything. Or does she mean something else?' Ash smiled at that. 'I don't know what it means but I doubt she is saying come have sex with us.' Then a message came through.

Sorry, wrong number.

'See just a wrong number.' I wonder who she was sending that to. Didn't know. Maybe Derik, Lucas or her brothers. My guess was Ryne. Those two got quite nasty to each other sometimes. I'm sure if Ryne wasn't a Lycan the two would fight way more often.

Except Ryne had to be careful since he could injure her. But I'm sure Isabella would shoot him to death after that. It just wouldn't be a pretty situation. We'd be pulling them off each other so they didn't kill each other which I had no doubt that they would.

Ash stayed quiet. He was scared of Ryne. The only thing that Ash was really scared of was Ryne. Ash dare not defy Ryne. 'I'd rather fight a pack of Alpha's then Ryne. Least I'd have a chance at winning with the pack of Alphas.'

Enyr and Ryne had kicked our asses plenty of times. When Ash and the twins met Ash wasn't scared and fought them. They destroyed us and did it again until Ash was scared and no longer fought them accepting them as stronger than him. Ash wasn't ashamed in himself about not wanting to fight them.

Somethings are just bigger than you. But Ash would fight Ryne for two reasons and two reasons only. If Ryne tried to take his Alpha position or hurt his family. Or if he tried to hurt Isabella slash come in the way majorly of the relationship.

'Only a coward would sit and watch their mate get beaten or even their family. There is always a way out in situations like that. You keep on fighting.' It may sound contradicting but Ash meant he wouldn't give up on his family or mate no matter who the enemy may be even if he doesn't want to fight them.

"So do you know what happens at The Gathering?" Rory asked. "No Isabella hasn't said much about it." I told him. "Really?" Rory asked his tone bored. "Nothing except that they gather around and there are lots of weapons present. Lots." I told Rory who nodded.

"Are we supposed to bring weapons?" Noah asked. "Just us to it. We have claws and fangs." I reminded him. Noah nodded before returning his attention to his iPhone. The door opened and in walked our parents holding grocery bags. Well my dad holding them and a few of Isaac's stroller.

"We will be having homemade mac and cheese for dinner." Mom said as she got Isaac out. 'That does sound quite good.' It did. Mac and cheese was alright but homemade was better. I'd eat either but homemade was better as it had a real cheese sauce and not just powdered cheese.

Mac and cheese was a simple food and I could eat two boxes by myself sometimes. Werewolves ate for two and were quite active and had to replenish the food the wolf eats and the exercise and how fast they burn food off. A reason my mom bought so much food.

"I saw Isabella on the way back." My mom said. I nodded. "She was in the hotel when I saw her talking to Derik about some project. The four of them got back from the shooting range. You should go see when The Gathering is." My mom reminded me.

I nodded. "After dinner. I'll go pay her a visit." I told her. My mom nodded. 'Mm. Dinner then going see Isabella about The Gathering. It seems today is going to be a good day.' I rolled my eyes but did smile at the thought of seeing Isabella today did sound nice.

1217. On time again. I wrote through Hurricane Irma, well we didn't get hit with it but we are getting the outsides of the tropical storm as I type. The wind was knocking things over including a table in our yard and a chair. My dumb as doornail dogs wanted to go outside in it so I let them out. They came back in after ten minutes. Then two more times then it began to rain and they didn't even stay out for a minute. Until next time Hurricane marshmallows.

 Until next time Hurricane marshmallows

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