:Chapter 39:

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I was packing away all my clothes back in the suitcase as we would be leaving today. Max had been doing better so the Ashfords would be leaving today too. But all I had to do was get everything into the suitcase then I'd be good to go.

Most of my clothes were packed away now it was getting the easel and canvases back. Maryse was on the bed as I hauled my suitcase out to Lucas's SUV. Then I went back for my easel, paint, and canvas. Maryse had gotten her stuff in Derik's mustang already.

'Well now you are done.' 'Yes I am. Lucas said we'd stop at McDonalds for breakfast.' 'What are you gonna get.' 'I am craving a McGriddle and hashbrown. Sounds good to me.' Satan nodded as I got my last thing which was my leather sketchbook before calling Maryse and out the hotel we went.

Down in the parking lot everyone was getting their stuff to leave. Except Rodney and Rory they were gonna be dropped off at NYU. To believe in a few weeks we'd be coming back here but not for vacation but for college which would be quite something.

I smiled before loading Maryse up in the mustang with Derik. I got my helmet out before getting on my bike. My eyes shifted over to Dalton who was helping Max into a car. Dalton looked up at me and offered a small smile. My thoughts went back to last night.

I didn't glare or smile. Ash was a jerk sometimes so I didn't need to take it out on Dalton. I simply nodded at him before starting up my bike. 'You are just embarrassed to admit that you like Dalton.' 'As a friend.' 'Mhm.' I ignored Satan before following the hunters out of the hotel parking lot.
"Home sweet home." I murmured as I pulled my suitcase and bags up to the duplex. Alana and Kadan were already in their side of the duplex we shared. Well sorta. Simply a joined two story house with a garage separating us.

I unlocked the door before dragging my things inside and hauling them upstairs. With that I got the rest of my things up there including the hellhound painting with blue flames. When it was complete I'd be hanging it up. 'It is beautiful but unlikely to happen as blue flames is my flames.'

I knew that. It just looked nice. With that I began unpacking my clothes and putting the dirty clothes in the red laundry basket and clean clothes in the dresser. Maryse had gotten on my bed and was dozing off. I took off my denim jacket and turned my attention to the closet.

My closet was a nice closet. Mostly full of jackets, my blue guitar and weapons of course. With that I went over to open the closet to put away my beautiful denim jacket. Things finally seemed to have calmed down and I was looking forward to getting rest in my own bed. But fate had different plans.

When I opened the door something came charging at me. I threw my denim jacket across the room as we went crashing into a wall. Descriptions for thing was pretty much impossible for how ugly it was and weird looking but it had bright red eyes.

Maryse got up snarling and went after it but he kicked her across the room. "Stupid hellhound." He said. His voice was deep and raspy but in his distraction of Maryse was what saved my life. Maryse saved my life yet again. I slammed my head into his nasty grey skin and kicked him.

"Ryne!" I screamed as I began searching for a weapon. The hood covering him dropped. He had numerous scars and long dagger teeth. He came at me and I kicked him before grabbing a dagger and stabbing him in the arm as Ryne came rushing up the stairs.

Maryse flew at him and got him by his neck and held him down. Ryne shot him in the leg before I thrust the dagger into his heart. Maryse let go as the demon violently shook and coughed up blood before bursting into flames on my carpet. I walked over to the closet.

A small device beeping was there. Blockers. I picked it up before smashing it down. 'Oh my gosh. Are you ok Isabella? What happened are you hurt?' 'Not as hurt as the deranged dead demon. Any idea what it was?' I sent him a mental image.

'It is a Haldeurotch. A demon slave.' I nodded. 'Well was a demon slave.' Satan nodded in agreement. I stomped out the flames. "You ok?" Ryne asked. "I want to know how this fucker got in here." I told him clenching my fists in anger. "I don't know we locked the doors." Ryne said.

"Someone let it in." I looked at Magenta who stood there with Ferrell next to her. "How do you know this?" I asked. "I can smell another scent but it's weak some sort of scent suppressor. But a Haldeurotch are stupid creators and always need help. But are vicious with commands." Ferrell explained.

I nodded before staring at the charred spot. "We'll be staying here more often to keep an eye out." Magenta said. "What about the baby?" I asked. "Taking turns of course. Plus I'm sure Maryse wouldn't mind watching over her if it came down to it." Ferrell said.

I looked at Maryse who was getting up after the battle with the Haldeurotch demon slave thing. Maryse nodded in agreement. "Well we can put out a sleeping bags in the spare bedroom." I told her. "We'll be fine sleeping in Hellion form." Magenta said. I nodded knowing it was worthless to argue.

'Someone is to always be with you at all times.' 'Explain more.' 'You thought you found the rat which was Kayla and Layla but there has to be more to it. No way that there isn't someone else.' I clenched my fists before sitting down on the bed to take a breather.

"I'll be downstairs if you need me." Ryne said before exiting the room. "Maryse will stay with you. I'll do a perimeter check with Magenta. Enyr agreed to watch our baby for now." Ferrell said. Their bodies turned misty before a purple wolf and green wolf appeared.

Tips about hounds of hell. They generally look like wolves and can appear misty and in colors. A reason why Magenta had natural well magenta hair and Ferrell had natural green hair. They also can shift with a snap of the fingers. I got up on the bed and Maryse watched me as I leaned back.

"You know maybe with college I'll finally get a break." I told her. Maryse didn't respond. "You're coming with. Victor said he'd get service dog papers and everything." I told her. Maryse got up next to me and watched me as I got underneath my blankets.

"I am curious on who I will share a room with though." I said quietly. Maryse nodded. "Maybe Angel since Alana is staying here with baby Isadora." I said. Maryse's ears perked up at that. Maryse did like Isadora. I sighed before getting up out of bed and grabbed my big easel. 

"I do have to do that painting of nature." I told Maryse. I didn't know what to paint. 'Maybe flowers in Whitney's flowerbed?' Whitney was Kadan's mom and she had flowers all in her duplex front. With that I brushed some hair from my face and then an idea struck me.

It'd be just my style but still nature. I just had to go visit the Ashfords tomorrow and ask very nicely for them. I smiled at that before getting my iPhone out to go text Dalton if I could come over and paint something over there. I got a yes of course.

1298. The book is nearly done now! It should be finished this week. I had Dunkin Donuts not that long ago. Delish. Until next time dunkin marshmallows.

 Until next time dunkin marshmallows

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