:Chapter 12:

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I was sitting in a car waiting for Orchid to get back with Isabella. Andrew and Orchid showed up out of nowhere demanding to go shopping for The Hunter's Gathering. My guess was I was now going to The Hunter's Gathering.

'That means Isabella said yes! You aren't such a failure after all!' 'Thanks for the ego boost Ash.' After a few moments Orchid had dragged out Isabella who didn't look too pleased. 'I hope it isn't because of us.' 'It isn't probably because Orchid is dragging her along.'

Orchid opened the door and shoved Isabella in. "This is your fault Andrew." Isabella said. "Love ya too." Andrew said as Orchid got in on the passenger side. "How long is this gonna take?" Isabella asked. "As long as it needs too." Orchid replied as Andrew drove off to the mall in a few towns over. Isabella rolled her eyes before leaning back.

'Won't this be fun?'
Andrew and I sitting in a shoe store as Isabella and Orchid searched for shoes. Isabella was mumbling things to herself. I got up and walked over to her. "So are we going to the gathering together?" I asked offering her a smile.

Isabella sighed. "Fine but hands to yourself." Isabella said before walking away. I made a victory move. "Yes." I whispered. 'Congratulations Dalton you aren't that worthless after all.' 'And you Ash are a horny wolf.' Ash seemed shocked at that, then he laid his ears back at me and mumbled something I couldn't understand.

I walked back to Andrew with a smile on my face. "What's got you smiling?" Andrew asked with a small smirk on his face. "Isabella and I are going to The Hunter's Gathering together." I told him. "And she agreed to it." I told Andrew proudly.

"Really?" Andrew asked generally shocked. "Yeah I convinced her." I told him proudly. "Not one of Ash's plans?" Andrew asked. Andrew was the only one that knew about Ash's twins. 'After all you and Andrew are twins.' 'As is Andrew's wolf.' Andrew smiled. "Maybe Isabella is finally warming up to you." Andrew said with a smile.


Orchid came back holding a pair of velvet lined booties. "Aren't they jut beautiful." Orchid said sitting down next to Andrew. Andrew smirked at me. "Not as beautiful as you are." Andrew said before kissing Orchid quickly on the lips. "Stop it." Orchid said.

'She wants me to continue complimenting her.' Andrew said through mind-link. "The boots couldn't hold a candle to your beauty." Andrew said smiling at her. Isabella walked over. "You are cheesy." Isabella said as she held a box and sat down before opening it showing off a pair of black boots.

"Pretty plain." Orchid said. 'Well they are just black but I know Isabella will rock them.' "I'll make them look magnificent." Isabella said as she took off her beat up combat boots. They had marks on them and a few dents. There was even rips in the shoe laces. Orchid cringed at her boots.

Isabella then tried on the boots walked around before taking them off and putting them back in the box. "Ok I am ready to buy and go home." Isabella said her royal blue eyes meeting Orchid's forest green eyes. 'I love Isabella's eyes they are darker and deeper than our crystal blue eyes.'

I'm aware. We all went to the checkout and got the things and left. Soon we were back in the car. "I heard Victor gave you guys some new weapons." Orchid said. "Yeah. For the dead culerba." Isabella said taking a dagger out of her boots.

She looked at it before putting it back. "I still have the knife you gave to me for my birthday." I told her. "It was a dagger." Isabella said with a small smirk. "I'm not a blade expert." I responded. "You want me to drop you off?" Andrew asked.

"Yeah Lucas and I have to go set up some target practice. He ordered some new targets." Isabella said moving some hair from her face. 'Offer to make some targets near our woods for her.' "If you want I can make some targets for you in the woods." I told her offering her a small smile. Isabella watched me closely.

"If you want." Isabella said as Andrew took a road back to Greenburg's. "I got a compound bow so can you make targets for that?" Isabella asked. "Trying out a bow?" I asked. "Haven't shot it in a while. I'm trying to get back into shape." Isabella said.

"If a zombie apocalypse happened what would your primary weapon be?" Andrew asked. "Assault rifle, my secondary weapon would be my pistols, and my melee weapons would be some sort of blade, a gadget would be a hunter's blade and my vehicle would be my bike." Isabella said.

'Ask her what a hunter's blade is.' I was curious. "What's a hunter's blade?" I asked Isabella. "Perfect blade. It has a different types of small knifes. A fork and spoon and a small LED light UV light. One of the first blades hunter's get." Isabella said with a smile.

"I remember when you parents gave you one." Orchid said. "Did they train you young?" I asked. "Training doesn't start until twelve. But since I was born into hunting they gave me basic hunting skills and survival skills around seven. I got trained around nine and ten." Isabella said.

"Victor took her on directly. Victor said you were his hardest trainee." Orchid said. "I gave the old man a run for his money." I said proudly. "He's forty and was one of the best hunters." Orchid said. "What happened?" I asked. "An accident left him immobile to executing hunting. So he began a trainer and intel hunter." Isabella said.

I nodded. "What was his code name?" I asked. 'Isabella's code name is Satan's Assassin. She was like the werewolf boogeyman.' Isabella looked at Orchid as if for permission. "He wouldn't care anymore. He isn't going by that." Orchid said. Isabella stared at me.

"Bringer of Death."

Both Andrew and I went still. Bringer of Death. "He was?" Andrew asked. "The one and only." Orchid said staring out the window. "He trained you?" I asked Isabella. "I learned from the best." Isabella said staring out the window her eyes blank of any emotion upon Victor's mention.

And I even knew why. Every supernatural in the world knew who the Bringer of Death was. He made boogeyman look like a sweetheart on prom night. The Bringer of Death wiped out an entire pack of werewolves, then a largest coven of forsaken and vampires all by himself. He brought fear with each time he struck.

And Victor was the Bringer of Death.

1106. Cliffhanger! But yeah Victor is a badass. The only person in this series more badass than Isabella. But I updated. Tomorrow I am going trail riding! But hope you enjoyed this chapter. Some of the past will be revealed in the next chapter. Until next time death bringing marshmallows.

 Until next time death bringing marshmallows

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