:Chapter 26:

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Today was the day. We'd be touring the college today. I was in my hotel room going through my clothing with Ash ranting in my head. 'What if we get stuck in a dorm with a stranger! One that is a human too no less.'

'Calm down, I doubt that will happen.' I pulled out a pair of jean material shorts but a little longer but not ankle length and one of shirts that my mom made me from her clothing lines. Then I ran a comb through my tangled hair to detangle it before smiling at the mirror.

With that I grabbed my iPhone 6 and was out the door. Rodney was outside with Rory as everyone one got ready. Alana had a little stroller with Isadora in it with Kadan next to her. He had an arm wrapped around her waist.

Andrew and Orchid were out, Orchid only going because she felt the need to go. But soon everyone was ready. My parents were even going and all we had to do was get Isabella and the rest of the hunters who were a floor below us. So we all got to the elevator and my mom pushed the down button.

The went all the way down until we reached the lobby. 'Where do you think Isabella is? Will they be able to meet us there?' Yeah Ash was worrying. 'Relax it will all be fine.' In the lobby was Enyr, Derik, Isabella and Lucas. Isabella was hitting Lucas repeatedly in the arm.

Derik tapped on her and pointed to us. Ryne was against the wall on his phone with Caesar sitting next to him with a vest on him. And if you looked closely you could see the shadow of Maryse. She was in her mist form that only the trained eye or a very good supernatural eye could identify. Caesar however could see her as he was eyeing her up. Isabella rolled her eyes before getting up. Isabella had her motorcycle helmet in her hands and gave her phone to Derik before running out the door cutting off Rory.

"My moon goddess." Rory cursed. Soon we had this big ole group before we all began loading up. We had a couple cars that fit us all and the hunters had Lucas's SUV. 'And Isabella has her Harley.' Isabella was on her Harley getting her helmet on.

The keys were in it as she clipped it on. Then she revved it to life as Rodney led the way out and she followed after him. The SUV followed after Isabella then the rest of us. I ended up in the car with, Nico, Angel, Andrew and Orchid. I was driving.

Nico was letting me drive his bright red Ferrari. 'Something that does not happen often.' Andrew took the front seat while Nico sat next to Angel and Angel next to Orchid. It didn't take long until we caught up to them and were on our way to NYU.
I was standing next to Isabella as she took her helmet off and left it in the bag on her bike. Maryse was sitting next to her having finally been let out of the SUV. Someone whistled and our gazes shifted to some frat boys. "You like to ride big bikes?" One of them asked.

"Not yours." Isabella said before flipping them off. "I hate frat boys." Isabella said walking off. "We aren't all bad." Rory said. 'Rory joined a fraternity didn't he.' 'I believe so. It didn't shock anyone. Rory always loved to party and things like that.' "I only ride my bike." Isabella replied as she smoothed her hair.

Maryse trotted after her as Rodney led us onto campus. There were numerous students being led onto campus. Some of them eyed Caesar who now had on a Service Dog vest. He had quite the training going on. From service to search and rescue down to The Organization.

'He might as well be an all purpose type of dog.' No one dared come up to Caesar after they got a look from Ryne that sent them scattering off. Soon we had entered the campus as Rodney handed us a map before leaving abandoning us.

Then we split into groups. Rory led some people around and Rodney the other. "What classes are you taking?" Rory asked Isabella. "Art." Isabella said blankly. Rory nodded. "Why here?" Rory asked. "Because the only other one was in Mass and I wasn't going there." Isabella said yet again blankly.

Rory nodded before leading us around the campus. The campus was huge with thirteen different sections in the schools. "So where do you run?" I asked Rory. "About three miles out there is a forest that the local pack said we could use." Rory answered.

"How big?" I asked. "Bout ten miles less than ours but it's good and is private property too so hunters aren't allowed there. But it has alright game just not a lot of deer and elk like our property." Rory answered with a shrug.

'That sucks. I loved our deer and elk hunt but at least we aren't too far away from home. We can go home on weekends and hunt and things like that.' Alana and Kadan were staying at home for Isadora and got separate days too. But they had days off together.

The two were doing lots of planning for college along with raising a child. Props to them. "So what kind of art are you taking?" I asked Isabella. "Studio art, it was that or costume art and I prefer studio art. I may even buy myself a studio one day." Isabella said with a small smile.

Maryse looked at her as she continued trotting to her. Soon Rory had brought has to the cafeteria which was busy with students that were beginning to come back for vacation. "You guys will start in fall semester. It starts around October meaning you will be there for the Halloween party." Rory said.

"Halloween party?" I asked. 'I wonder what that will be like.' "It's a party the fraternity and sororities throw every year for Halloween. You get to dress up and have competitions and things like that." Rory said with a small smile. "And I'm guessing you want us to go?" Andrew asked.

"Of course your family." Rory said with a small smirk. "I hate parties." Isabella said simply. "You went to prom." Rory said. "Only because Orchid forced me to go to all those stupid school dances." Isabella said staring Rory in the eyes.

"Too bad you are going." Rory said before turning around and going off. 'Well he told Isabella. Which was a jerk move.' 'Yeah. But I'm proud of Isabella. She didn't burn him to a crisp.' I watched Isabella as we continued on. She hasn't killed anyone which is really good.  

Looks like today is going good so far.

1148. So I've been playing The Last of Us. I am at the round with the sniper rifle and I keep on getting killed. These people are so annoying. But that's all for today. My signature is loading so I didn't get to update as soon as I wanted. Until next time signature season marshmallows.

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