Expo: Today is Friday... Have my feelsy bullcrap.
TRIGGER WARNING: Abusive treatment, beating of a minor.
Today's one shot is pretty depressing but... I'm in a funk you could say. Human AU verse. Little background first. In this verse Matthew and Alfred have been adopted by Francis and Arthur. The two were in abusive household before they were adopted though. Alfie is 9, Mattie is 6, Francis is 26, and Arthur is 23. I hope you enjoy.
Italics are flashbacks.
Alfred was shaking, his heart racing. The belt was there, old and frayed after use, its buckle a harsh silver browning with what looked like rust but never was. No he go there now! Matthew just went to sleep he can't wake him up, he needed that sleep he couldn't burden him with his problems.
The cruel chuckle rose from his mother's mouth as she threw the harsh words at him, hurting him more than the welts ever could. *CRACK* "WORTHLESS BRAT" *CRACK* He could see splatters of blood... No, no, no, no, no, no, no... A small sob burst from his lips and he quickly covered his mouth.
She kept yelling, she kept repeatedly creating lashes. *CRACK!* A small whimper erupted from him. *CRACK* His back arched and he screamed. *CRACK* Alfred couldn't breathe, he couldn't see, his heart was pounding, he was screaming but no noise came out, he couldn't breathe!
She kept hitting him until his body was crimson and the metallic smell was everywhere. She walked away and he crawled over to a small figure, glad he could've protected the baby in his hiding spot from the pain. Mattie's fine, They're not here, Why can't he seem to get away from it?
He started to feed Mattie, giving his little resources to his brother, his stomach rumbling. His mother entered again cackling when she saw the babe. "I knew you hid him!' She grabbed Alfred and threw him waltzing over to the baby. Mattie started to cry when she saw her weapon... He could smell the copper. He could feel the cold seeping in his bones. No he was fine! He was home now, he wasn't there, he was fine!
A bright light filled the room as the door opened a tired, but concerned Francis stepped in sitting next to him. "Alfred? What is wrong Mon chéri?"
"Pa- Papa?" He clutched Francis tightly, crying into his shirt. "I- I was there! She had me, she was going to hurt Mattie! She... It hurts so much Papa!" He was sobbing, and his hands were shaking.
Francis hugged the child close, "Do you want to check up on Matthew to make you feel better?" A small nod. Francis carried the boy to his brother's room and stood at the door while Alfred checked to see if Matthew was safe. Once he was satisfied he came back to Francis, and tugged his pants to tell him to pick him up.
Francis picked him up and took him to his room. "Papa?"
"Yes dear?"
"Can you stay with me? I- I'm not scared but it's easier to be brave when you're helping me." Francis chuckled quietly and sat next to Alfred and hugged him close.
"Would you like me too tell you a story?"
Alfred smiled a little and nodded. "That would be nice..."
"Okay then. Once upon a time there was a very brave hero. He was kind and....."
The moon shone down and the little boy smiled and snuggled into his papa's arms warm and content. He finally felt safe.

FanficI'll be taking requests. This is mainly Humor and maybe family fluff. Unrelated to my other stories. Read Inside for rules.