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Quotes by me again!

Austria: Wowie life hates me

China:opens chat You're stressing out your mom kiddos.

Germany: Something cursed™ shows up No. No I'm already done today. I'm going back to bed.

Russia: I'm so tired but I can't sleep. God hates me.

America: whispers existance is p a i n.

Hungary: sitting outside and alone because somehow being outside alone is less weird than being inside and alone and wearing no jacket: The warmth of my otps love will give me warmth.

France: Forgot he was wearing foundation Woah I actually look like I slept and My skin cleared! What did I do! Then washes his face I look like death has warmed over and the circles under my eyes are so visible they look like bruises

Canada: It's a gift and I'm allowed to say I don't want to use it Linda like you don't want to use your oven and instead bring store bought cookies to the ward potluck.

Belarus:No grow a pair of ovaries. It increases your pain tolerance more than balls would.

Italy: You guys make me believe in love you two are so pure


England:I have 157 children I can name off the top of my head.

Spain: I painished my Spanish.

Ukraine: I'm so proud of them!!!!!! (Friend: They literally just smiled) BUT IT'S SUCH A CUTE SMILE.

//Sorry I haven't updated for like 2 months. I've been pretty busy.

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