Chapter 14: The Morning After

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I woke up at 3am from someone coming in my room. It was Tristan.
I said as I whispered.

Me:What r u doing.???

Tristan:I thought I'll come into bed

Me:Y didn't u just stay on the sofa.

Tristan:Because I wanted to cuddle u.

Me:Aww okay

Tristan:Did u know joe was still here.

Me:Yeah. I told him to stay.


Me:Because he's a friend he he said he was going to go and I told him not to because mikey fell asleep and I didn't want to deal with him in the morning so joe stay so he could deal with him.

Tristan:Ohh right. Did u have a nice night anyway.

Me:Omg it was the best ever. When conor and brad and u got up and sung and played the drums that was just incredible. And joe dancing was so funny as when everyone fell asleep we had such a laugh watching Netflix. It was the best birthday ever.

Tristan:I'm glad u liked it.

Me:What's wrong.??

Tristan:I think joe likes u

Me:Well if he does that's not a problem cause I love u.

Tristan gave me a kiss and hugged me. This put me to sleep straight away.

I woke up the next morning really early. Tristan was still hugging me and talking vaguely in his sleep.
I got up at 7:45. I went to get some milk in the kitchen and I noticed the apartment looked like a bomb had just exploded. So as it was early in the morning I might aswell clean. So I picked up all the red cups from the floor and put them into a black bag I put the bottles away in which we was playing spin the bottle. And beside Tristans drum kit was sick. So I got the mop out and mopped the floor even the joe and mikey was still sleeping on the floor. I suddenly heard this sexy husky male voice.

The voice:What time is it..

Me:Omg joe u made me piss myself.

Joe:Is that y ur mopping the floor haha.

Me:No it's because some people don't know where the toilet is situated in which they should throw up.

Joe:Ellie it's 8:15 and I just woke up stop using big words

Me:I didn't use big words but okay.

Joe got up and I seen his amazing body again and again I started to go red so u looked away and continued to sweep up the mess.

Joe:Right where do u want me to start.

Me:It okay I'm done.

Joe: I'll go and take the black bags out to the bin.

Me:Thanks so much Joe. Do u want me to make u some hot cocoa or coffee or tea.

Joe: do u have like a protein shake.

Me: Yeah Tristan and brad have those things all the time I'll make u one.

Joe:Can I go for a run round the park outside ur apartment.

Me:Joe ur 24 years of age u can do. What ever u like

Joe:Do u want to come.

Me: okay let me get ready.

I made joe a protein shake and me one too. And I was wearing my sports bra with a hoodie and skinny trackies. And my hair tied up in a messy bun.

Joe:U looked hot.

Me: thanks.
I said with a awkward smile

Me:What r u wearing.

Joe: I'm just going to wear these Adidas red trackies that YouTube gave me an just a hoodie.


We went out and I was a lovely morning the birds tweeting the fresh air and running in the wind.

Joe:Isn't this beautiful.

Me:Yeah I forgot what it's like running in the morning. Me and niamh normally go to the gym after work late at night when no one's there so no one can see us. We r very antisocial haha.

Joe:Haha. What do u and niamh work as???

Me:We r nurses and we r Woking r way up to be a doctor. The other day I went into surgery with a young girl it was her hand. And niamh is due to go in next week when we r back at work.

Joe:Ohh wow. So u's r smart.

Me:We r educated I wouldnt go as far as saying I'm smart haha.

Joe:I'm sure u r smart.

We continued to run me still keeping up with joe but yet feeling so self cautious so we got back and Tristan  was in the kitchen.

Me:Hey babe.

Tristan:Where have u been.

Me:Wells I woke up early and tidied the place and how woke up and we went for a run.

Tristan: U never want to come for a run with me.

Me:Me and u r never up at the same time.

Tristan:And what r u wearing haha.

Me:My gym clothes. The sports bra u gave me.

Tristan: I bet ur freezing.

Me:It's hot outside I won't been freezing.

Tristan: okay. Babe I have another surprise for u today so get Ready it's about 20 mins away.

Joe:I'm going to set of Mike just arose from his grave so I'll see I later

I gave joe a massive hug and a kiss on the cheek

Me: thanks for coming and thanks for the necklace huni I love it.

Joe:Glad u liked it sweetpea. I'll see u soon yeah.

Me:Yeah totally we can do that collab soon

Joe:Yes u have my number right

Me:Yeah can u not remember at the meet and greet

Joe:Ohh yeah silly me

Mikey:Joe would u stop flirting and just come on I want to go back to sleep. Thanks Ellie for having us.

I gave Mikey a hug and they left.

Me:So baby where we going.

Tristan came over to me and but his hands around my waist and planted them on  my arse.
Tristan:go get ready and I'll show u when we get there.

Me: okay

With tristans hands still on my arse I kissed him which felt like 5 minutes a but was actually 1 and I let go and ran to get ready. What is the other surprise. Was it what I told him last night I wanted. A puppy!!!

What is the surprise!!!

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