Chapter 24:

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I got ready and jumped into the car. I was in the back seat with brad and Tristan niamh was driving and Connor came and met us at the shop down the road and he Sat in the front.

Connor:James has no way to the place can we give him a lift.

Niamh: There's no room.

Brad:Can't he like sit on someone's lap.

Niamh:Is that like illegal.

Brad: It's only 15 mins down the road.

Niamh:Okay but who's lap.

Brad:Or what if we take the top thing from the boot of and then he can sit in the boot.

Me:That's not a bad idea.

Niamh:It will be very uncomfortable.

Me:There is no other way james is a tall lad and if he sits on on of us his head will be pooping out of the sub roof. Like when a dog has its head out of a window the wind just gliding through his hair.

Niamh:Haha Ellie ur so strange.

Me:I know. Let's just pick him up and figure it out.

We drove to where james was about to streets away from where we lived.

Connor:Hey dude listen. We're in a  bit of a pickle

James:What's up.??

Connor:We have no room in the car as u can see. U can sit on one of our laps or sit In the boot.

James:If I sit on someone's lap I'm going to like break my back bending over.

Connor : Ellie came up with u can stick ur head out the sun roof.

James:Haha. I'll just get a  taxi.

Me:James u do realise that we have to be there in 10 minutes and the taxi would take like 30 minutes to get to u.

Tristan:Just lie across me, Ellie, and brad and then fold ur legs.

James tried and do that suggestion.

James:Oww fuck cramp, cramp, shot fuck.

Me:Hah james just sit in the boot.


All the way to the place all u could see was this tall guy with his head sticking out of the tip of the boot. Just looking out of place.

James:Thank God we're here.

Me:Good ur not the only one who doesn't like niamh driving.


Niamh:Hey. I'm a better driver then u.

Me:Niamh it took u about 30 attempts to park the fucking car.

Niamh:Yeah but it's all about precision.

Me: okay niamh.

Connor:U girls can go shopping. All we r going to be doing is talking shit. And u guys will probably have to wait in the waiting room. So just go and we will ring u when we get out.

Niamh: okay. We won't be far. Then we can all go out and get food.

Brad:Sounds good.

Me and niamh kissed brad and Tristan bye and cuddled james and Connor. And we set of in different directions.

Me: Do u think they will get signed.

Niamh:Totally. They r soo good.

Me:True their voices go so well together.

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