Chapter 37

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The boys wouldn't leave the room so I could find out who Niamh had seen and who spiked her drink. Brad was cuddled up with Niamh and james was cuddled up with a life size cuddly bear which a fan gave to caspar when he gets lonely. And Tristan tried to cuddle up to me but I kept pulling away because i was trying to think, he started getting very annoyed with me and stormed out the room.

Niamh:Whats wrong with him.


Brad:Maybe u should follow him.

Me:don't u think I have better things on my mind.
I snapped.

Niamh:Ellie brads don't nothing wrong and I'm going to let that pass as ur having baby hormones. Bit if u speak to him like that again for no reason I'm gonna shout at u.

Me:okay. I'm sorry brad. Love u

Brad:It's okay. I think Tristan missed the affectionate u like u was before all the bad things happened.

Me:Well I need my space too.

Brad:Just see if he's okay.

I walked out the room and went to mine and Tristan's bedroom.

Me:Y did u storm out.?

Tristan:It doesn't matter.

Me:Well obviously it doesn't or u wouldn't have stormed out.

Tristan:I keep pushing me away an dim getting fed up with it. U see noma and brad always cuddles up, and james and the teddy bear. And them there's us sitting on different sofas about 1 meter apart. I want the old u.

Me:Tristan, I'm still me,bur there's things on my mind and I'm growing a human too.

Tristan:I know u r and I'm going to help u best I can. But tell me what's going on in ur mind.

Me:I don't tell anyone my feelings.

Tristan:Well I should. U tell Niamh but u can't tell me.

Me:Niamh is my best friend and I trust her with my life. My problems sometime are irrelevant and stupid I don't want to come to u about irrelevant stuff.

Tristan:I understand that but what's wrong with u lately is serious and we need to talk about it.

Me:Fine. Niamh told me she might know who spiked her drink and it was an old friend of ours and it's been bugging me.

Tristan:I get yourself rapped up in stuff and over think shit. If it is someone u know then im sure u will see them round then we can go and talk to them but meanwhile don't let it effect u. Niamh not letting it affect her and she's the one who got spiked.

Me:I had a friend when I was 9 years old before I even met Niamh. We where best friends and one day this guy decided to bully her and she turned for me to help but when she needed me the most I laughed along with the bullies because I didn't want to be bullied myself. And that night she died in her sleep thinking that I hated her and wasn't on her side. And from then on I promised myself that if I ever became close to a friend like that again then I would do all I can to help and protect them the best I could, Stick by them when they most need me, be their shoulder or cry on, when people r pissing them off be on their side. As soon as me and niamh met we made connection and ever since I've always tried and be there for her when she needs me and that's the same for lara, Ana, and Paula when she was our friend.
At this point I was crying. Tristan came over and cuddled me and kisses me on the head

Tristan:How have u never told me this.?

Me: It's just never come up.

Tristan:I've always wondered y ur always protective of all of us.

Me:Now u know. I'm just afraid of losing u all.

Tristan:How much u and Niamh argue u both well telepathically apologise to each other and be watching Netflix 5 minutes later. And as for me u ur not getting rid of me that easily. I'm here till the end.

Me: Okay. I love u.

Tristan:I love u too. Just stop worrying over unnecessary things we will find the person who spiked Niamh's drink okay.


Tristan:Now give me a cuddle and let's go back in and watch doctor who.

I have him a cuddle. And went back in  niamh looked at me.

Niamh:Y r u crying.?

Me:I'm not.

Niamh:U was.

Me:I was but I'm fine. Tristan made it better.

Niamh:What's up.

Me:Something really irrelevant it doesn't matter.

Niamh:Well it matters to me.
She said pausing the tv.

Me:Well I know it's serious now that u paused the tv.

Niamh:Yeah it's important tell me u know i won't give up.

Tristan:It was really hard for Ellie to tell me.

Niamh:Wait idk what it's about.

Me:Nope no one does except from my mum dad and now Tristan.

Niamh:I see how it is.

Me:I'm ready to tell u tho and u too brad. And james u can listen too

James:Yay I'm involved in something.

Me:So u know the way u got spiked and I might know who it is bluh bluh bluh. And u know the way anyone who hurts u I will track them down lol.

Niamh:Yeah ur like the FBI when someone hurts me. And like I am with u.

Me:Yeah well this is y................

I told niamh the story and once I did I held in my tears but I seen niamh welling up about to cry and she lepped over and gave me a hug.

Niamh: We will always be together

Me:I know. Even if I don't show it sometimes and we aren't that type of friends that r soppy bit never forget I love u. And that ur my best friend and I'm always here for u.

Niamh:I love u too gurl!! And I'm here for u too and never leave even when we r in the nursing home we will be causing trouble

Me:Haha yeah always.

Lara and Connor walked through the door and I jumped up and gave lara a hug.

Me:I love u laza bear.

Lara:Aww Ellie. I love u to my big friendly giant.

I didn't want anyone else knowing about the story so I told the others not to tell anyone else. Caspar and joe walked in the room and Sat down everyone was quite and suddenly niamh said.

Niamh:I need to tell u guys something.

Me:Ur not pregnant to r u.

Niamh:Hhahah no. I know who spiked my drink.


Niamh:Ready for this Ellie and Lara.

Me and lara:Yeah.

Niamh:Bryan mcmanus............

What's going to happen find out in the next chapter.... Xxx

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