Chapter Nineteen: The Wedding Day

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Yasmin finishes my makeup as Jessica grabs my dress from the closet.

Y: Calm down boo, it will all be fine.

She say as I realize my body shaking constantly.

Me: I just want everything to be right. I am just nervous.

J: Girl you will be alright. Today is your big day and it is going to be perfect.

I exhale as the two smile and I stand.

J: Time for the dress!

I giggle as I take off my robe and they help me in it. A knock breaks the silence and I tell them to come in. I turn around and it is my mom.

Me: Hey mommy!

M: Oh my gosh YN you look so beautiful.

I smile as Yasmin do the same.

Y: How are you doing Ms. Angela?

M: I am fine and you did an amazing job on the makeup love.

Y: Thank you.

M: And how are you Jessica it's been a while.

J: I am good, thank you Ms. Angela.

All three of them hug as my dad knocks lightly.

D: Hope it's safe to come in.

I smile as he walks in.

D: Yasmin, Jessica.

Y&J: How are you doing Mr. Charles?

They hug him and smile.

Y: We should get dressed. Come on Jess.

They leave as I am alone with my parents.

D: Our babygirl is getting married today. We am so proud of you.

Me: Aw dad, don't make me ruin my makeup already.

D: I already talked to Tremaine, and he seems very excited for today.

I smile as I think about him.

M: Well I am going to go to my seat. I love you baby girl.

Me: I love you too mom.

I kiss her cheek and she leaves.

D: I will see you in a few.

Me: Ok.

He kiss my cheek lightly and leaves. Suddenly, all the girls come in the room and Dee has Amara in her arms. I smile as I look at how adorable Amara looks.

Me: You all look beautiful. And you look so adorable!

I say speaking to Amara and she smiles.

D: She wanted to see her mommy before she go sit with her granny.

I grab her and kiss her cheek.

Y: Now don't ruin my masterpiece.

Me: Girl I won't.

We all giggle.

An Hour Later

The groomsmen and bridesmaids walk down the aisle as I walk towards my dad.

D: Are you ready?

I nod as I inhale and exhale slowly.

Me: Just don't make me fall dad.

D: I promise with all my heart.

The doors open as we start walking down the aisle. I look at him as I hold in my tears. My man looking all handsome and good for me. I see him trying to hold in his tears and I smile. He grabs my hand as I walk up next to him. The preacher speaks for a couple minutes before it is time for our vows.

P: Tremaine would you go first?

We continue looking into each other's eyes as we smile. He takes a deep breath before starting.

T: YN, we have been together for years. You started as a fan, but I never thought that I would stand in front of you and our family committing to you as your husband. I will never forget your reaction when you first saw me.

I smile as I remember the excitement of meeting him for the first time.

T: Your excitement and confidence stood out to everyone, but your beauty is what stood out to me. And our first dance in your backyard...I will never forget the instant connection we still have till this day. Even through all the ups and downs of our relationship, you still hold me down. We even had a beautiful daughter a year ago.

We look back at Amara for a bit before looking back at each other.

T: Baby I love you through anything and everything. I want you to be mines forever.

He kiss my hand after I wipe away his tears. I try everything to hold in my tears.

Me: Tremaine, I had always dream about marrying you, but I never thought it would actually happen. Honestly I thought I was the lucky fan to date Trey Songz. I still feel lucky, but I feel lucky to know who you really are. I know I wasn't a celebrity, but I understood why you wouldn't be super open to someone.

Here goes my tears.

Me: I loved you since the day I met you, not as a celebrity but as a person. Today is the day we start a new life together for better or for worse. We have been together for years like you said. Now it's time for our love to be shown to the world. We already have a daughter and I know we will have more kids in the future. I am ready to start this journey with you. I am and always will be forever yours baby.

I wipe away my tears as I continue smiling at Trey.

P: Now the rings.

I turn around and grab the ring from Dee before turning back around facing Tremaine. We put the ring on each other's finger and smile.

P: I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride.

He crash his lips on mine as I smile and wrap my arms around his neck. I don't care who is looking at us, I just want to cherish this moment for as long as I want to. I feel his arms wrap around me as I deepen the kiss.

P: Ladies and gentleman, Mr. and Mrs. Neverson!

We pull apart and giggle before walking away together. He picks me up and spins me around as I laugh.

Me: Oh my gosh we did it.

T: Yes we did. YN Neverson, sounds really good.

Me: Yes it does!

Forever Yours (Part Three Of Secret Relationship Series)Where stories live. Discover now