Another Gruvia Fan-Fic. Chapter 12

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Carla had a vision. "Is something wrong, Carla?" Happy asked. "I'm fine. It's Juvia we should be worrying about."

Wendy knew Carla saw something. But she didn't confront her about it now, but she would later. 

At Lucy's Place...

"I'll go back to the guild and see if I could find out who was there." Natsu said, sniffing the air for effect.

"I'll go too!" Happy said.

"Wait for me!" Lucy said running after them.

"Wait for us!" Wendy squealed with Carla following after her.

It was Gray, Juvia, and Ezra at Lucy's house. Juvia adjusted the robe Lucy had gave her. Gray sat on the couch, picking at his fingernails. 

"Gray-Sama." Juvia called.

"Yeah?" He responded cautiously.

"What if... What if Phantom Lord does return? What if they want revenge? What if they hurt all of Juvia's frienda?!" Juvia panicked.

"They won't have you." Gray reasurred her as he got up and sat next to Juvia on Lucy's bed. He began holding Juvia's hands. "I'll make sure of it..." He said leaning in. He didn't know what he was doing, but it felt right.

"Gray-Sama..." Juvia said softly, leaning in as well.

This is what Juvia has been waiting for!  Juvia excitedly thought to herself. Just as their lips were about to meet, Erza burst into the room.

"Where is everyone?" She asked, already dressed.

Gray shot up quickly. "U-ugh they went to check out they scent of t-the package!" Gray stuttered.

"Oh! So close!" Juvia mumbled to herself. Erza smiled an apologetic smile at Juvia when she realized what almost had happened.

With Wendy and Carla

"Natsu, Carla and I will go further away to look for the scent." Wendy told Natsu.

"Be careful." He responded.

Wendy nodded. Once she and Carla were far enough, Wendy got down to Carla' s height.

"What is it child?" Carla asked.

"At Lucy's place, what did you see?" Wendy asked.

Carla looked baffled. "N-nothing." Carla stuttered. Wendy gave her a serious look. "Okay I'll tell you. I just saw the guild fighting with what I think was Phantom Lord, Juvia crying, Gray crying, Gajeel was trying to reach for someone that fell and Master was in a rage." Carla confessed.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Wendy asked, shocked. Carla looked down and shrugged. Wendy sighed.

Now what? Wendy thought.

"Don't say anything Wendy! My visions are hardly ever correct!" Carla pleaded. Wendy shook her head.

"This is serious. I'm sorry Carla but I'm telling Master." Wendy said walking back to the guild.

With Natsu, Lucy and Happy...

"The scents gone! It's all gone." Natsu said in a rage.

"Natsu, it's fine." Lucy said, trying to reassure him. "We'll find another way."

"Aye! Natsu, Lucy may be stupid and not accurate half the time, but she's right for the first time!" Happy said.

"Shut up cat!" Lucy said, freaking out.

"You're right Happy, about Lucy." Natsu replied, kicking a rock.

"You too?!" She said in disbelief.

Then then saw Juvia, Gray, and Erza started walking up to them.

"We lost the scent guys." Natsu said.

"I figured." Erza sighed.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Natsu freaked.

"Not now Natsu!" Erza said, punching him.

"Why Erza, WHY?!" Natsu cried, cradling his arm.

"Let's just go in the guild and look inside the package." Gray suggested.

"Good idea." Erza agreed.

A/N: Thanks for reading, commenting and voting guys! It really encourages me to keep writing! Thank you :D

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