Another Gruvia Fan-Fic. Chapter 35

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"Gray-Sama, are you not excited about the carnival?" Juvia asked. He shrugged.

"I guess I am. Carnivals just aren't my thing, ya know?" He said. Just as Juvia was about to respond, the guild door sprung open. The guild turned to see what it was.



"Juvia!" Gray and Juvia both turned around to see Lyon marching in with a bouquet of violets and a small bear. Gray's eye twitched, seeing the gifts for Juvia. Juvia tried to hide behind Gray but Lyon saw her and started towards her.

Lyon shouldn't be here. Gray thought to himself, angrily.

"Hey Lyon, you come around here so often, you may as well join the guild!" Mirajane smiled. Gray shot her a death glare ,which she ignored.

"As much as I would like to stay close to Juvia, I just can not leave my guild mates. I care for them, but not as much as I do Juvia!" He replied then continuing to Juvia. He stopped in front of both Gray and Juvia.

"Juvia! I got some things for yoou!" Lyon sang. Juvia sighed and stepped out cautiously from behind Gray.

"Lyon-Sama. What brings you here?" Juvia asked. Gray huffed and asked Mira for water.

"You of course! I brought you three items. A bouquet of violets, I chose them because they remind me of your beautiful eyes and blue hair." He started.

Tch, those violets are purple. Juvia's hair and eyes are blue. Definitely not purple. Gray thought angrily.

"How thoughtful of you-" Lyon gave her the flowers before she could continue.

"I also got you this teddy bear. It's blue, which also reminded me of you. Because this bear is cute. And so are you." Lyon gave her the bear and Juvia forced a smile while Gray rolled his eyes. Cana noticed so she made her way to Gray with her barrel.

"Jealous much?" She asked, chugging down her barrel and doing her best to hide from her father.

"As if!" Gray scoffed. Cana raised an eyebrow but didn't reply. She and Gray watched Lyon's interactions with Juvia.

"And last but not least, I wrote you a poem!" Lyon said pulling out a piece of paper.

"Lyon-Sama, you shouldn't have..." Juvia said, and meant it.

Lyon cleared his throat. " I call this poem Juvia! Juvia oh Juvia. How your eyes give me hope. Juvia oh Juvia. Your voice keeps me afloat. Juvia oh Juvia. You taught me to love. From Your Lover, Lyon."  The whole guild awed. Juvia wasn't sure on what to do about this as Lyon gave her the poem.

"Juvia, will you go out on a date with me?" Lyon asked. The guild was quiet waiting for an answer. Then a sound of glass breaking echoed throughout the room. Everyone looked from where it broke then Mira spoke.


The guild looked at him. He was sitting at the bar. His fist was clenched tightly, and he was bleeding. Water and blood was mixed and pieces of glass was there.

"Gray-Sama?" Juvia asked, worried. Lyon narrowed his eyes as Gray stood up, opened his fist to empty of the glass and water, and left the guild without a word. Juvia was about to follow him when Lyon stopped her.

"He may need to be alone. I don't know why he's... upset, but we should leave him alone." He said.

"But Gray-Sama is hurt!"

"Gray is a big boy. He doesn't need your help right now." Lyon said, tucking a piece of Juvia's behind her ear as best as he could, since her hat was in the way. Juvia flinched away. She sighed.

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