Chapter 1: Brett

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The storm outside continued to rage shaking the house violently as a lightning strike lit up the hallway. The intensity that it created exploded through the windows illuminating the damaged and rickety hall. Brett, A young adult in only a black hoodie and everyday jeans, sneaked through hesitantly, as the floorboards below him ominously creaked revealing his position to whatever was hidden in the shadows.

Armed with only a flashlight, Brett waved the beam around, scanning the walls, looking for any sort of exit or way out of this horrific building. However the farther he walked down the hallway, the longer it seemed to become as if it was a constant loop, with no end in sight.

He progressed down the hallway a little further, using the flashlight and the adjacent lightning strikes to illuminate his path. As if it was all timed, the lightning started to slow down only occurring between longer intervals. Then his flashlight that he was sure had fresh batteries inside, started to flicker, leaving him in the dark for increasing periods of time.

No don't die on me now, Brett thought, as he anxiously started to slap the flashlight with his palm, praying that the light would figure itself out and maintain it's power. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case, the more he hit it, the more rapid the flashlight's light pulses became until finally nothing. The bulb flashed before burning itself out leaving Brett stuck in this nightmarish abyss.

Losing all hope of ever getting out, a subtle breeze raced down the corridor, wrapping around Brett like the icy chill of a snowstorm. Not dressed for something like this, his body started to shake, and his teeth were moving a mile a minute bouncing up and down in his mouth.

"There's no way out, you're mine."

There was no one else in the hallway as the words made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. Doing his best to find the voice's source in the darkness, only frustrated him more, since there was nothing there or so he thought. Finally, another bolt of lightning cracked open the sky, bringing light to the hallway. Bathing in the temporary sanctuary that the light provided, Brett looked toward his destination and that's when he realized he wasn't alone. Encased in the light down the hall stood a young women, who appeared to be the same age as him.

Only given a brief second to see her, something echoing in his mind told him that she was hurt and needed help.

"Are you okay?"

Brett called out into the abyss, unsure of what kind of response he was going to get.

"I'm. Fine."

The girl's words were mixed with the sound of crying, as the words slammed into him like a truck. Now at an impasse Brett wasn't sure what to do, hesitating for a moment the sound of rapid footsteps started to fill the air as the creaking floorboards responded. He tried to move but in a heartbeat his body locked up, freezing his legs in place.

Looking over his shoulder to where he last saw the girl, She was nowhere to be seen. Managing to relax, Brett turned back around aligning his head with his body only to have something brush against his nose. It was the girl. His nose had lightly brushed against hers, as he got a close up look of her pale face. Blood was running down from her nose, and her eyes were solid white and filled with sadness. That's when she opened her mouth and let out heart-stopping scream only inches away from his face, and all Brett could do was close his eyes. He was a prisoner in this world, and all he could do was wait for it to stop when suddenly his body violently jerked.

Opening his eyes, Brett breathed a sigh of relief, realizing he was back in the room. It was just a dream, He thought as he laid still in a pool of cold sweat.

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